Finding the Ghosts of Halo 3 (not the vehicle!)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by a-groeper, May 20, 2008.

  1. AfroNinja117

    AfroNinja117 Ancient
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    I haz a story, real one too. Once I was forging on Sandtrap, by myself I may add, I was running around on a roleplay map I am in the making of (I probably won't post it, for a while at least) it was open friends only bcuz I had knew none of my friends were online. So the only vehicle was chopper, and I see a mongoose drivin through the guardians, so naturally i think that one of my friend's friends joined and i didn't see it so i check my player list, just me. so then mongoose disapeared, and I died and got a respawn time of 150 seconds! I'll see if I can find the video of this, but if not, I promise you that this is not a lie
  2. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    Oooooo Im a Ghost....
  3. hidn

    hidn Ancient
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    you know that if there is something in the surrounding area that is emitting a frequency of around 19 or 18 or whatever, that it messes up your eyes. SOO, just because Bungie is so screwed up like this, look for continuity of objects nearby. It's a far stretch, but hey- these guys stole a dog's head!
  4. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    This my friend, is a necro bump, be sure to read the rules about those, next time, dont post on a thread that hasnt been active for 3-4 weeks.

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