if you watch bladerunner backwards three times, turn off the tv, and then say wwmcd wwmcd wwmcd a master chief ghost appears and gives you reconz for posting this thread
OMG that is really weird .. I had halo 2 and played many custom games on lockout but this never happened XD
Some people do this in matchmaking as they cannot gain ranks through their own skill. However, this usually results in a 'black screen' for the other team.
I saw somewhere on Bungie a post on the Ghost of Blackout, although I didn't look at the post. Yea, all this amounts to is extreme lag, with other people joining it.
Thank you for the data on the lockout ghost. I looked though lots of other reports, and it seems very likely that the ghost is in fact just the result of "standbying" and network loading glitches. There is still more out there though. Has anyone heard about the weird stuff that happens on sandtrap? There are reports of phantom vehicles and ghost lasers. Of course, most of the laser incidents are thought to be the result of the "activation beams" that fire from the towers to spawn the sandtrap mines. There was also an Avalanche incident where half of a wraith (literally) appered and started shooting everybody from underground.
After thinking about it for a while, do most of these incidents occur on Forge Mode, or not? If so, then that could explain many incidents that involve people with weapons not found on the map usually. There is this one incident where a person was on Valhalla, when a person with a sword and invisiblity attacked him. No way a person who joined a custom game on normal Valhalla could attack him with active camo and a sword.
I have a saved video of it on my old gamertag... If you don't have it I can get it on my fileshre. Zlthough it's the same video that is on youtube I believe.
Ive forged on local, and after saving and later going back onto the map, weapons i'd placed were spawing in the air in the most random places.
is it just me or is this a necropost. tell me if i am wrong but the date of the posts goes from may to two hours ago.
That doesn't even make sense? Anyway, the one on lockout in Halo 2 was lag/stand bye The one's in halo 3 are people trying to re-create the events in halo 2. /thread
You're one to talk, you're on a Halo 3 map making forum. As far as the ghosts go, I've never really believed it. Though I have convinced my friends that I've seen them. Example: We were on Blackout and I told my friends that I had saw a green guy running around on the lower levels. Suddenly, EVERYONE is seeing this guy, even though I made it up.
I was in Forge once. Inv only party. Sum guy joined. No mic. Started deleting a bunch of the map. I ended game, and booted him. omg ghost?
Its all a fake if one of your friends tell you about that then its all fake. One of my friends said that on the gametype with the mod were you start with flamethrowers on either Blackout or foundry he got controlled by the ghost. I then and some other people played it with him the first time and he was being controlled and the second time he was controlled, but then me and my other friends tried it ourselves and neither of us were controlled so your a retarded if you believe that.