I can barely even move blocks I really hope they bring out an option to switch the bumpers round with A and B like it used to be. I know they changed it because you now need to hold LT to actually move an object, but I play with fingers on bumper and triggers at the same time anyway. All they'd need to do is add a "classic/default Forge controls" toggle in controller settings which swaps those two sets of buttons and I'd be sooooo happy.
My old account was myshotsaskill. I started back in 2008. I made this new account because I forgot the old one. The only person I can remember is @Blaze That was because he helped/co-forged a map call 'gateway'. It was a Highground inspired map built on Foundry. Lmao. It made it to bungee downloads and had like 40,000+ downloads or something. Those were the days. I spent most my time on the other forging site, Monitorbuilt. I was a staff member there, so Forgehub was the backdrop for me. Really miss the H3 forging days!
OG Tremors was the bee's knees as well. The original Jenga, Duck Hunt, Fat Kid, etc. Check this out - the video from the very first TGIF, with all the accompanying youthful angst we all felt. How heartwarming.
Wow. I think I participated from the 4th TGIF on. Those Gamer Tags bring back a lot of memories. So we gotta get TGIF running again.
Just keep at it man... the adjustment period is rough, but once you get used to it, you'll never want to go back to the old ckntrols. We were brought up with an inferior control scheme, it's expected that we'd treat something different so harshly.
Wanted to go back and look at my old internet accounts and somehow remembered the password to this one. Oh boy was I a weird kid.
I'm not ever sure why I'm labelled Halo 3 Era, I didn't even own an Xbox until after Reach's release, stuck to Halo PC up until then.
I'm back. Don't know how much I'll get into forging since I'm in college now but I'm definitely gunna be lurking from time to time
H3 era dude reporting in. I haven't forged since H3 (I updated my Bio today, nostalgia filled map posts included). I'm no Buddhacrane, Given to Fly, et al., but I've never stopped casually playing Halo (current gamertag PSYGASM) and lurking FH once in a while. But as someone who forged at the start, I am amazed at the potential of the new forge. The community is already pumping out awesome stuff. I have become pretty re-obsessed and I don't even have an Xbone. I've been watching basically every H5 forge video and spending time in sketchup. As soon as I manage to get on H5 you can be sure I will be forging away on ideas that I have had cooking over the years and new ideas that the new forge has sparked. For now I will at least be floating around here at FH much more, so hello again it's good to be back as the community explores the new hawtness. Expect my first release to be a large scale BTB map that will be a close recreation of a very recognizable real-world landscape. Edit: I ordered an xbox and should have a weekend o forge to look forward to. Yayy