Find God II

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by wade, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. wade

    wade Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    My original Find God map for Reach was fairly well received, and has always been my personal favorite forge creation. That being said, the difference between Find God, and Find God II is like the difference between Terminator, and T2... This one is much, much better.

    From my experience with Find God I, I have a feeling that I am going to get slammed hard when I put this into the Standard maps thread. (even though it is a meticulously planned out Dominion map) All of my previous attempts to share very fluid gameplay (with very outside of the box looks) in the competitive threads have been met by instant wrath and/or removal.

    That is why I am looking to get as many people to test this map with me as possible. Preferably, but not limited to, individuals with strong Forge Hub reputations and a good deal of experience. I would love to be able to build up the credibility of this map's gameplay before it's release. I would also love to fix any and all problems that do currently exist with the gameplay.

    I have tested the map several times, but never with more that 4-5 people. Though the results have been great, due to it's size those tests are obviously far from comprehensive. I am currently working for Pens TV (NHL), so my schedule is very erratic (especially with all the new roster additions.). Over the next couple weeks I work, April; 8th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 24th, 25th.

    Any time/day outside of those dates I am completely open to playing/testing any and all maps. I am more than willing to help others test as many maps as they want. I love checking out new forge material.

    Please let me know if you are interested. My ultimate goal is for this map to be enjoyed by as many people as possible, but it will need to be both rigorously tested, and then shown to the appropriate audience (people looking for a new, exciting, but also competitive game experience.) in order for that to happen.




















    1x Dominion Base
    4x receiver nodes (From Earth)

    2x Energy swords (100 sec resp.)
    2x Fuel rod (80 sec Resp.)
    4x Battle Rifle
    4x Assault Rifle
    4x Plasma Grenade

    Speed: 200%
    Jump: 200%
    Damage resistance: 300%
    Mele Damage: 200%


    1x Dominion Base
    1x Sender node (To Heaven)
    6x Receiver nodes (From Hell)

    1x Wraith
    2x Rocket Hog
    2x Ghost
    4x Mongoose
    4x Frag grenade

    Speed: Unchanged
    Jump: Unchanged
    Damage Resist: Unchanged
    Mele Damage: Unchanged


    1x Dominion Base
    1x Sender Node (to Earth)
    12x Respawn points

    2x Gravity Hammer (80 sec resp.)
    2x Concussion Rifle (70 sec resp.)
    2x Lightrifle
    3x Supressor
    4x Pulse Grenade
    4x Exploding Fusion Coil (11sec, 10sec, 9sec, 8sec)

    Speed: 170%
    Jump: 150%
    Damage Resist 300%
    Mele Damage 200%

    #1 wade, Apr 6, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2013
  2. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    some really fascinating ideas here. did you ever play a fan-map called Purgatory for Jedi Knight?

    some similar themes
  3. wade

    wade Forerunner
    Senior Member

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  4. Art of Sound

    Art of Sound Promethean

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    I love the Heaven/Hell/Earth Theme that's going on. Very original
  5. wade

    wade Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks a lot. I was extremely excited when I realized Forge Island had a very high ceiling and that you could get in underneath the islands. This has been a dream of mine for a while and a forge map finally lent itself to it perfectly.

    I am dying to get more test games on here if anyone's interested. LeadingChimera3.
    #5 wade, Apr 7, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2013

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