THIS IS NOT ABOUT WHERE IT IS!!! I GOT THE ACHIEVEMENT 6 MONTHS AGO!!! Now that that's over and done with, I would like to bring up one thing on the terminal that you will probably all have seen... and one secret thing [which i will now be ridiculed for because you've probably all seen that too ] Ok, firstly, on the last page of the terminal, it reads the following; > >NO, THERE IS MORE >BUT YOU ARE NOT WORHTY > > >NOT YET > Clearly, this means a SEQUEL-esque game yet to come!!! Ooohhh, yeah. Unless u only see this when on Legendary... Ok, so... obvious thing over... When the red error screen appears, this awesome phrase appears in the middle: I am Mendicant Bias This is what I have done: The following passage is all about the activation of the rings. This, in my opinion, is Bias' way of revealing his guilt. Bias was a robot created to infiltrate the gravemind and return valuable recon to the forerunners. However, the gravemind twisted Bias [probably because he had A.I. almost equal to a human mind] and sent him to seek out and destroy his former masters. As this is what caused the activation of the Halo array, I think Bias is trying to convey his sorrow through subliminal messages in the terminals. Let me know about other terminal stuff, or just other Easter Eggs Bungie have put into the game [NOT SKULLS!!!]
As far as I know that comes up in all dificulties except for Legendary, so when it says there is more [to the message] but you are not worthy [because you are not doing it on legendary], not yet [play on Legendary nub]. Simple =] Off Topic - About sequels, Bungie is apparently making a Pre-Quel to Halo, follow the ODST in a squad type 3rd person shooter, hopefully NOTHING like Ghost Recon... Before Master Chief Also if you want to know more about the Terminals and Halo in general I HIGHLY suggest you go here That is one of the best sites about Halo that exists, I learnt so much about Halo from that sight. I even learnt about some things I wasn't quite sure about when I played Halo3.
Yeah dude, I beat the game on Legendary and accessed the terminals with no message like that. The whole "You are not worthy. Not yet" thing is a hint that you should try playing the game through on legendary. All the info you need to back that one up can be found on Halopedia, or by playing through the game on different levels. Basically, to some extent, you get different things on the terminals depending on what level you play at. Some terminals are the same throughout the easier levels, but Legendary has its own story. Terminal Four (i think) is different every level. It's a neat little bit of extra story line, so check it out (of course that may just be my opinion as a mildly obsessed Haloer ) -Gnoiz
It's not so much a different story per difficulty as it is extended the harder the difficulty. there's more to it.
Maybe if you play on Mythic difficulty it will reveal a new message. Before you go test make sure you activate all of the other terminals first just in case that is required.
True that, Reynbow. It just develops more of the story in different ways. and by Mythic I think he meant turning on the Mythic skull before the levels (makes it one harder than Legendary). But on Mythic, I've checked the terminals, they don't change at all with or without the skull -Gnoiz
K, thnxs. Yeah, i wasnt sure about the first idea :-[ But, hey, glad some of you like it. Try checking the red error message on other terminals... there's one like 'i am the reason' or something... And, also, i only know about Mendicant Bias in the first place from ascendant justice- but thanks anyway!!!
Nice find. I sorta already knew that, but you have shown a bit of proof. Which is a hard thing to come by with Bungie's stories.
Dude, don't even talk to me about campaign. I had all the skulls, beaten it on legendary, yadda...yadda...yadda. ...And then: I got the Legendary DLC and suddenly, I loose everything! Everything! I dont know how. It's messed up. And now it says I havent ever played campaign even. >=[
Lol E93 that sucks real bad you should confront bungie does it still say on your game record thing on And to the halo terminal thingy.I dont get anything about the terminals and what they are telling me.All I know is if you get them all you get the marathon man achievement.Could someone explain to me what the terminals exolain or prove to you?
Really? I always thought it said that because if you play on anything but Legendary, you're not worthy. But yes, an interesting proposition.
Yeah, it still says I beat it on legendary there. I've sent a message about this to Shiska, Frankie and Luke, I think, but they probably just delete all their mail without reading it. If anyone knows who exactly I should contact about this, please tell me =]
fat lotta good frankie mail will do, hes gone but I would contact xbox customer support, at least then even if they cant help you, you can yell at them consequence free
Mehh.... I dont know. That would be a slight waste of my time. I can only imagine the conversation...: -''Xbox Customer Service, how may I assist you?'' +''Hi, I'm having a problem with a video game.'' -''Yes...'' +''Well, I lost all of my halo 3 skulls, than I emailed TJ Scoot, and Shiska. What should I do?'' -''Um...''
eh, the terminals just give a little backstory, kinda go over what happened with the Forerunners and the Flood 100,000+ years before Halo is set. They explain, in little detail and depending on what level you play on, what happened, tell some stories about the Forerunners, Flood, and the Forerunners' AIs such as Mendicant Bias. Basically if you want a good explanation, I recommend checking bungie's "community spotlight" for this week, cuz those guys seem to know whats going on with the terminals. -Gnoiz