Final Offensive This is a map I never could finish. I need someone for certain things. It was being made for CTF, Assault, Territories, Slayer, Swat, ETC. I loved it so much but I need a few things. 1: Someone who can build a Great Scarab, It has to be climbing on two different building at the same time, and it dosen't have to be a exact. I want it a lot different. 2: A partner in General. To finish the map with. 3: Testers. 4: Motivation. Now for the Map This is were I need the Scarab The Castle The Attackers Base Brute Shot Spawn Chopper Spawn Boarding Wall Interior of the Castle Another Interior A spot I need to work on A entrance to the Castle Another Entrance A spot I need a BIG BUILDING at Thanks for viewing. Please post if you want to help, have ideas, ETC.
Double posting you map preview? Anyways so far you have some pretty straight geomerging. Thats things going to be a castle? Lots of work to do my friend...Also sorry i cant help forge the map but i do have motivation, you will make alot of people on the site happy by finishing it
Thanks and with the double post. I thought i clicked post alot earlier. it must have lagged when i finished. sorry. Not a super old time castle. like in the cam,paign when they say it is old tech base on the second playable level. it has a story i just did not have time to type it out. it is like three pages.
I dont understand the story- a midevil Castle with a giant robotic bug attacking it. Lol, it seems pretty strange. Although I do not feel like making a map this big, I will test for you if you ever need me.
i can help make the scarab i made a pretty good map with two scarabs in it and am currently working on something funny with scarabsin it with my freind just tell me when or send me an invite gt Jakob hunter