Please don't tell me that you don't like it because its monotone. I tried to get it to look a little sketchy.
It is probably one of the better sigs I have seen in my opinion, now I'm not someone who knows how this is done, but that does look like it took a lot of time. If I were into Final Fantasy I would ask you to make a sig for me with that. I know you wanted to make it look a little sketchy, but I would fix up some of the edges of the hair.
Yeah the stock I used had rendered her really bad. So there were some few ugly white outlines around her hair...
I agree that the sig is one of the better ones around the G&A forum. The sig has great flow and is very detailed. Even in the light part of the sig there's detail. I'm aware you tried a sketchy look but in my opinion the sig would look so much nicer if the render wasn't so sharp and it blended with the back. To achieve this I would begin to cut around the edges of the render, make sure you have feather on and around 25 - 50. The colours blend nice and make the sig easy on the eyes. There's not many places to improve, you have my kudos for creating a great sig. On a final note, I would change the text abit. Try a more fancy or thin font. Hope that helped. - DRiSCOLL
Thanks... I really appreciate the CnC. I will try to improve for next time because I don't have the PSD saved. (at my aunts house and I went to bed leving PS open and when I got back my cuzin closed PS).