Debate File sharing sites??

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by texturedlemur, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
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    Should file sharing sites be legal or illegal. Most pirated movies are put on to the internet and transferred illegally through file sharing sites. Should sites file sharing sites be Banned?

    Pros--ligament files can be transferred with ease

    Cons-- Pirates can transfer torrents illegally

    My view: I think that it is pointless to censor the internet because someone will always figure out how to get around it and it is almost impossible to censor other counties' internet servers.
  2. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    although i do see the negative sides to downloading things illegally, like company's and writers and actors losing money that should be there's, i do it anyways. its a little selfish but eh. i don't wanna spend 20 dollars to see a movie. thats just my take. make it cheaper then maybe ill think about actually buying products and films.
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I use torrenting extensively for numerous legal purposes. For one, many free software I download are too big for a single server to handle. Instead, torrenting allows me to start/stop the download at any given time. Furthermore, torrenting is actually more efficient than downloading a chunk of data from one source. It splits the file into many small chunks that won't lag the network.
  4. drak

    drak Ancient
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    rapidshare with collectors account is awesome!

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