Fight v1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by A Pixel Assasin, Feb 14, 2009.


What do you think of the map? (If you vote or DL, post)

  1. Awesome.

    1 vote(s)
  2. It's okay.

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  3. Meh.

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  4. Awful.

    1 vote(s)
  1. A Pixel Assasin

    A Pixel Assasin Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Map Title: Fight V1
    Fight it out, any way you can. 8-12 players

    Download Map
    Download Fight Gametype
    Download Fight Flag Gametype
    Download Fight 4 Land Gametype

    Hey Forgers! I'm new to Forgehub, although I have used the site for a while.
    I've always loved Forge, but I recently became interested in serious Forging.
    So this is obviously my first map. This is also probably one of the few Foundry maps
    I will make, but I'm thrilled about Sandbox.
    On to the map!

    I can't quite remember where the idea for this map came from,
    but I think it was a mix of CoD 4 and several other games
    and Halo 3 maps. IT also is an early version of a map
    I'm going to make on Sandbox thats a faceoff between two
    ships up in the Skybox. They idea was to be two ships high up
    in the air trying to take the other ships crew out. You
    obviously wouldn't be able to get out, since you would die
    if you did. Maybe some dogfight stuff as well.

    This idea is what started the BETA of this map, which I probably
    won't release. I tryed the idea on Foundry, and it failed.
    Trying to make people not be able to get out of the map
    was too hard. The bases were to small, not enough shooting space,
    and they were to close together and messy. So I resdesigned it,
    and it turned into Fight.

    It is supposed to be a military simulation center btw. I don't
    really like Foundry, I think there are too many bland
    Foundry maps out there, unless you use it for what it
    is: a warehouse.

    There are two bases. One is slightly different, as it is
    meant for Fight Flag which is one sided CTF. It also
    supports Territories, but I didn't put much time into the
    different gametypes, so I would suggest CTF or Slayer.

    Attacking Base:

    Defending Base:

    I know they don't have roofs. This was intended, however
    I might change it in the V2.

    Each base has two windows near the doors and one window
    in a hallway to snipe from. But be careful, ammo is limited.

    AA gun spawns on attacking side after 180 seconds. Non

    Flag room comes complete with Fusion Coils.

    Man Canon spawns after a little bit for easy transport.

    Theres a Mongoose at the attacking base, but can you get it?

    The tunnel is blocked in the middle, but there is a flamethrower
    to get rid of your misery.

    Stay down.....

    Makeshift sniper tower. Trip mines for claymores.


    Inside defending base. Spawn in box.

    Inside attacking base. Spawn in box. Theres more weapons, I promise.


    Gametype Details:
    Fight- 300 Damage Resistance, 200 Gravity, 125 speed. No shield recharge.
    No friendly fire. 1 Life.
    Fight Flag- Same as Fight. One flag. 5 Lives, 4 or 5 rounds.
    Fight 4 Land - Same as Fight. 45 second capture time. No lock after capture. 7 lives,
    4 rounds.

    Well thats about it! I hope you like it, I plan to make many more
    maps, probably not on Foundry though. And no,
    I don't plan to interlock or merge. I don't
    like it, and I'm tired of seeing map after map thats on Foundry
    that people think is cool simply because they interlocked everything.
    I don't care if people work hard. My dishwasher works hard too,
    but that doesn't make a difference. Anyways (sorry to be a little
    harsh), I hope you enjoy it,
    please tell me what you would like to see changed, and lots of feedback

    V2 updates I already plan to make:

    Celings possibly
    Hallway possible walled off
    A "cleaner look"
    More balance
    More objects in general
    Supported gametypes to be added (Infection, KOT, Assault, etc.)
    Possibly making specilized versions of the map for other gametypes.
    #1 A Pixel Assasin, Feb 14, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2009
  2. Sephire124

    Sephire124 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    I'm sure you already figured it out by now, but your links are not working. Make sure you preview your post first to see if it worked before you finalize it next time. Don't worry you got 24 hours to do this.
  3. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Pics arent working, please no one else post about this.

    sounds great though :)

    (oh sorry, someone beat me to the punch lol)
  4. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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  5. A Pixel Assasin

    A Pixel Assasin Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    I'm fixing the screenshots right now. They were working a second ago.....
    I have read the tutorials, and I have seen many other screenshots get messed up. Hold up and I'll fix them.
  6. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Did you really make a beta of this? This still seems in the beta stage, sloppily designed, practically no merging and obviously as it seems, very bland gameplay.
    You need to think more about designs, i know this is some sort of trial map for sandbox, but it's gonna have to get a hole lot better to be anywhere near successful on sandbox, it's going to be impossible for you to make it on sandbox if it's like this.
    Needs to be neater and more stylized cover between the "ships"

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