Fiesta Frenzy Winners!

Discussion in 'Articles' started by SIR IRON WOLF, Nov 5, 2021.

By SIR IRON WOLF on Nov 5, 2021 at 6:51 PM

    SIR IRON WOLF A Floating Lightbulb
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    After a longer than expected judging period we have the winners for the Fiesta Frenzy Contest! We would like to thank the fine folks at Podtacular for coming to us with this contest and helping us judge. Don't forget to also sign up for the tournament they are hosting with the winners from this contest, there is a $2,000 prize pool up for grabs, more info here.

    Alien by Arpod
    ForgeHub Socks from Forgehub and a Lanyard from Podtacular

    Athena by UnknownEmerald
    ForgeHub Socks from Forgehub and a Lanyard from Podtacular

    3rd Place: Timeout by Deergirls
    $300 and a t-shirt from FH and Podtacular

    2nd Place: One Man's Trash by The Xzamplez and InfiniteForges
    $700 and a t-shirt from FH and Podtacular

    1st Place: Senshi by UnknownEmerald
    $1,000 and a ForgeHub t-shirt and socks from FH, t-shirt and lanyard from Podtacular

    We will reach out soon to those expecting prizing to gather info and get the prizing sent your way.

    Yes, we plan on providing feedback for those that wish to receive feedback on their maps that were submitted. At this time we do not have a set date for when we will host those lobbies so keep an eye on our twitter. We have to work out some scheduling on our end but we will try to get some lobbies ready soon.

    Thank you all who submitted maps to the contest, you never make it easy on us to decided the winners. We would also like to thank the Podtacular community and especially Dust Storm and Godzillatodd for helping with the contest and we wish them the best of luck for their tournament (you should sign up, great prizes up for grabs in a short fun tournament). We would also like to thank you all for being patient as the judging took a little longer than expected. There was some unfortunate scheduling issues that came up that extended the process.

    We have decided that we are going to take a break with contest for a little while with Halo Infinite on the horizon and with Forge being delayed. This gives us some time to focus attention elsewhere and also let the community build up those creative juices again. But the main reason is we feel this is a good contest to end on as in the coming months people will be focused on the next halo title even though it does not have forge. When Halo Infinite Forge releases we plan to have another contest but till then you shouldn't expect another one.
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Admin
    #1 SIR IRON WOLF, Nov 5, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2021
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Discussion in 'Articles' started by SIR IRON WOLF, Nov 5, 2021.

    1. TimeDipper
      Congratulations to the winners, some truly amazing maps! Looking forward to what the future brings with Halo Infinite. :monitor:
    2. UnknownEmerald
      Welp that just happened.
      Didn't think I'd place top 3 let alone 1st as there were so many incredible maps entered. Thank you ForgeHub for making this last H5 contest one to remember.
      On a serious note though. Do I win 2 pairs of socks? I need answers!
      Technically yes, we also might have some other options available to pick from, we have had this happen a couple times before and let people choose. We will reach out tomorrow or Sunday about the prizing.
    4. xzamplez
      Well done to all the participants, and thanks to forgehub for hosting the contest.
      SIR IRON WOLF likes this.
    5. Perfectum
      Question for clarification. Been playing the winners of the fiesta contest and I noticed that second place, One Man's Trash.. has NO cameras except one static camera. And has ZERO location volumes. I thought these were two standard things required for all maps being submitted? Especially the location volumes. How do you communicate enemy players' movements to your own team members as you are playing the map without the location volumes? Seems a crucial detail missing for tournament level game play, even if it is just fiesta.
      For this contest the judging was focused primarily on Layout, Aesthetic, and Gameplay, not so much technical execution unless it greatly impacted one of the previous three areas. For this contest if we noticed minor issues that could be a simple fix for a tournament (like name volumes or cameras) that weren't crucial to the gameplay as we experienced and tested then we didn't let it heavily weigh in on the judging. Many maps had minor issues. We never have stated what the standard technical requirements are for submitting a map to the contest. We wanted to focus on what was a fun map rather than if it was executed properly since these are not going into matchmaking. If these were matchmaking maps then that would be a different story.
      Last edited: Nov 6, 2021
    7. Perfectum
      I understand there was no standard set for the maps, but anyone playing tournament level play would say location volumes is crucial to competitive gameplay. And the other two winners did exactly that. Will this be corrected before the tournament or will this be an unfinished map?
      Any adjustments that need to be made to all maps for the tournament are going to take place.
    9. Perfectum
      When will it be ready? As someone participating in the tournament with other players, our time is limited to train on these maps before the tournament.
    10. Connie
      Is this a bad time to say that I never play tested timeout
      Last edited: Nov 7, 2021
      ArturBloodshot likes this.
    11. SAMuri52
      Congratulations everyone!
    12. Leek
      Was this a contest or a raffle ?
      MR HUNDREAD likes this.
    13. Perfectum
      Don't worry it shows.
      Connie likes this.

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