I nominate: 1:Blast Off!! by Ell3ment 2:Equinox by iTz Flair 3:Lotus by Aimless Ant 4:MLG Requiem by Insane54 and Sir Toppumhat Also to here is the answer to your question sir... Highlight the text and then copy your url or link to what you want and insert a link on your highlighted text =).
Okay here are mine: 1) Necrubis by mander A1- This city map has perfectly balanced gameplay along with knockout asthetics. There's tons of interlocking and geomerging, the city's huge, and each building is very unique. (Way better than "The City" 2) Blast Off bt Ell3ment - The minigame map is a great concept that's well- executed and flawlessly forged. It's extremely fun and will not be easily forgotten.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/72033-lotus.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mlg-maps/71515-archaic.html
Coliseum I think this is an amazing 1v1 and 2v2 map. Usually all of the featured maps are all race maps or MM (4v4) maps, there isn't any solid 1v1/2v2 maps that get featured. The LoS on coliseum is very good as well, long range BR'ing is great too. 2v2 Team BR's is AMAZING on this map. If this doesn't get faetured i'll be sad, because I think this map is perfect for 1v1/2v2's.
I nominate Emphasis By GD 27 Shockwave And MSCF by Deadlock 25- it is by far my favorite infection map there is, and its forged impeccably!
Diversity Best 1v1, 2v2 map to date in my opinion, simply amazing and aesthetically pleasing as well!