well we can be the friends that love it. you wanna sign up? we need to be more active because they are getting close to yanking ranked from MM!!
Oi!What happened?No one on or something?I sent you a message but after an hour late i went out for pizza :S
Sign me up! I'll be an eltie infantryman. I usually get quite a bit of kills and am really good at just head on attacking
sign me up! I can specialize in anything, I just like killing people. but I play objective games really well with a mongoose, so me and one other person usually rack up most of the points. I like all objective games except team king
Alright this week didn't work out at all, but I'll sign you guys up and then send out a time to play.
well then you can do that EDIT: everyone read operation underdog. it actually sounds pretty fun. but i want everyone to be aware of it so that we can do this sometimes.
Operation underdog looks like the kinda sh** i used to do to my brother,however they usually started taking the piss and i win lol. I'd be alll for that someday,sound slike a barrel of laughs,heres hoping BTB doesnt go. But if it does we can always divide into a TS group.Which'd be just as good,or we could play social
Haha hell yah, look at this thread. I got them to think I'm emo or something then when they click on the link I gave them. RICK ROLL! lol I'm a rick rolling genius.
Do we have a new date for the next btb? I was ready on saturday but no one was on or everyone was doing something else on halo.
i couldnt play but it looked like alot of people were gonna do it.. well il be on whenever im on and we can do operation underdog. anyone see the BBP in the videos section? that was sweet
Yo rip maybe we should organise a few custom nights before rank'ness? Practice tactics as displayed by knight and the temas can get to know each other, less intimidating than going to a ranked playlist and risking ranks.
you have a point, although it seems that ranked is going down. i guess that means were gonna be social. oh and just an update im leaving in 6 days. i will be gone for three weeks so i would like to do something, including a team pic. i think valhalla on the side of the base just in front of the mancannon
Yeah we may have to divide up into a TS group....sucks Sure we can always be a group of people who organise BTB customs in an effort to make bungie see reason Pretty sure it'd be great as a custom thing.Avoid maps everyone hates,play new forged ones and slowly gather into competitive teams,if we get big ebough we could even do tournaments BUT Until then we need to get our act together and actually get an event going.
k.. well i say people should look around the bungie forums and any other place. we can recruit people to our bungie group.. and maybe we can see if we can find a good website to make one off of