there is not sub-forums, but we are making do with articles, news updates, and just the main forums. there is no room for just chat though EDIT: well, off topic chat
I can make a chat topic so people don't clutter up the forum, and we could make it some noone can start topics. Then it won't get cluttered.
ok and could you message all members to tell them about our group? and we could always recruit people who seem to be good at matchmaking
Yah I'll do that, I will send everyone a message over XBL and FH giving them the link to the group. I'm glad there's another semi-organizational person on this team = )
Yah I really don't know what else you could maybe message everyone and to remind them the give us they're input, but other then that we're good.
ok well im off for tonight.. i almost finished all of the big team tactics articles. i just need to do standoff and i will be finished. i will do that tomorrow, anyways good job guys, we made good time today
oh man its so fun! i was doing that for hours lol.. could you make an announcement and post a link to our group on the front page? or has that been done?
Psh it's already been done. I put it in place of the wesite for now. And the banner is linked there. Also I messaged everyone over XBL and about to do it over FH telling them to go there and post there info. But yah we will prob take all the info from the when this thing takes off and put it on supamidget's website.
Keep in mind my site is mostly a freewebs template,took roughly half an hour of work.Like i said i made it from boredom,if we use if for something...great.If not i really couldnt care less. If we end up with a good few teams we'd need a proper server host not freewebs otherwise itll freeze,run out of bandwidth etc.And as i said someone who can write a real site.
Yah what we have will be fine for now. But if this launches. As in saturday goes well. We're most deff. switching to your site. Then we can prob. start recruiting a 3rd team. and branch out and what not. But right now all focus is on this saturday.