i like it but its a little complicated. but i shouldnt complain because this is ten times better than i could do!
At one time, there was a thing called the FH Gay Parade. It was pink, and it steamrolled over BTB like a raging monster, with none able to challenge it.
lol when i saw titmar had posted here, i knew that there would be a weird comment. well we can beat the FH gay parade
-Titmar our team would rock the FH Homosexual Parade. -Yah Knight I think we need use the gengeric one until this thing is final and everyone gets to know eachother. -Knight just made our first banner and I linked it.
I'd love to be in some form of organised team. But i wont be free for the next week or two due to important event (stae exams and my bro's graduation). Im good with a Br provided NAT doesnt **** us over. Other than that i like to grab a BFG or a hog gunner. While im fine sniping,grabbing the sniper on normal matches just seems to be a bad omen so dont count on me to do much more than dethrone their sniper and pick it up so they dont have it. Also in a proper team im quite handy for driving or flag carrying in objectives. Put me anywhere you want. Hope theres room in B or something
Yah I can probably give you b-team intfantryman, that's cool there's a couple of people on b that won't beable to play for awhile but I'll send you updates like everyone else. If you can add the banner.PLZ!
Hey man, thanks for putting me up. My time zone is GMT+0 (UK). Should I have added anyone by now? Well, thanks, looking forward to playing some BTB games!
Ok np i just need to say my final goodbyes to my plagiarised "for loyal" sig cuz otherwise mah sig r beh 2 bigz. Oh and my GT is Supa Midget000 since i forgot to mention it (the zeros add style-they werent actally necessary XO doh!) By the way is it a FH "group" thing yet?Becuase if it hasnt been made yet you could update us through that.
No, I'll make it a group though and give you all a link as well as update you hrough xbl mesages. Bye Bye for loyal sig lol. And sniper will you be ate our first session?
Nah im giving it one last day on teh interwebs.... Were going out for ice-cream then im shooting it in the woods.
No dude, sorry. I sent you a message on XBL telling you. This is a rareity though, it wont happen often after my exams etc.
It's alright dude, and supergogeta I added you as a vehicle's specialist. B Team. Hey supergogeta what's your GT?
By the way we gonna be ranked BTB or huffing it through social for fun? Also will we be warming up on custom maps or what? I can see some fun rivalry between A and B if it gets going properly.
Dude I know, I hope this thing get's going, I was thinking if it gets big enough we could have A vs. B warm ups and then break-up into our groups for MM. And dude we're all about ranked lol.
good idea rip. two weeks from now i think i will be leaving on a three-week trip to europe just so you know