WIN! I love this game! How many news places do you have in this one. 30% DONE! This will last me at least a month closer to reach! Off to forging ideas in my brain for forge (See what i did Thar?)! 41% Done! Once I am done with this game I'll just finish Mass effect and before you know it REACH will be out! Doh! 49%!
I don't know what to do... I know nobody will play this when Reach comes out, so should I bother to finish Act III? Or should I let it die for now and then bring it back after Reach's excitement dies down a little? This all seems like a waste of my time and effort if only two or three people play it for 15 minutes a day. -.-
You might as well finish Act 3 now before reach and then once the reach hype dies down it will be the thing people will go to rather than the thing they would have to wait for
Go ahead and finish it, I want the option to go play a bit of new stuff when I can't get on the xbox lol
Thanks. And btw, who ever 'Something' is I'm going to kill him for wasting 2 and half hours of my time with the maze inside of his house that doesn't lead anywhere!!
I'm currently working on Reach-ifying the RPG. I'm adding fileshare capabilities and billboard advertisement spots for maps. Also, I'm debating on changing the cast spell shortcut, what would you guys like it to be?
No offense but this game just kinda lost it's spark when it came back. At first I thought it was really cool for the new content but it turns out it wasn't and what I was missing was the really cool people that was playing it back then... Ie, Sixpack, Albyhouse, Fbu, Vorpal Saint, Pigglez, Etc... Those were the cool people and what kept me playing the game cause I had tons of fun talking to them. At the moment all this new stuff that's going on will confuse any new player, in my opinion... Yeah, I played this a long time ago and I still know the controls but all this new stuff is just beyond me and can be intimidating to someone new. I still remember back when Fbu developed this the big deal was on housing and customizing it and just beating the current boss. T'was such a great time indeed and I will miss it.
Which is why I'm taking this game down, wiping the accounts, and remaking it the right way. It will have an introduction system, to say the least. And everybody will be starting even when it comes out again. Also, after this game dies, I'll have a sequel on a much better, 3D, high-res engine ready to blow your minds. And Fbu doesn't care about the game anymore. Which is sad, because I'd rather have him develop it too.
As far as I'm aware, I'm the only one on this site that knows how to make 3D games. I'm not sure if you seen the last game thing I posted but If you have I want you to know that my skills have grown tremendously since then. All my spare time (a good 50 hours a week) is spent on practising. And believe me, it's not easy. It's like a job that your not getting paid for. So I would be of humongous assistance to you in a 3D version. I doubt you would speed anywhere near 50 hours a week on this kind of stuff making me always far more advanced than you. I could teach you all I know and save you weeks of work! But I'm not going to... You won't miss that opportunity though. I highly recommend you don't change this and delete everyone's accounts. You will loose the few people you have left and new people wont start because this isn't a official FH thing and because there are far better free 3D RPGs out there.
Lmao, you think very highly of yourself don't you -.- Mongoose is a very good coder, he spends ALOT of his time coding. He told me he has made his own antivirus for eg -.- So yeah, I have no doubt he is just as good, or better than you..