I removed the web client because it had a bug... sorry. How would you guys like if I turned that website into a game guide and stuff that interacts with the game and tells you your stats? It would take a while to do, but it's possible.
Lol, I'm posting this from an in game web browser that's currently in development. 'tis pretty ****ing awesome. When you guys can have, I'll update the Client DL. EDIT: USE FH OLDSCHOOL X when on the IN GAME BROWSER. EDIT2: In order to optimize the performance of the in game browser when it visits this thread, please put all images in spoiler tags.
Well now you can get it too. NEW CLIENT (ONLY PEOPLE WHO ALREADY HAVE THE GAME) Download and extract so that the files overwrite. Optimization: Use theme FH Oldschool X, edit options and turn signatures off and max image width before resizing to 300..
We talked about this a bit in game, but I'm gonna post it here for others to think about. Should the acts be barred by a level requirement or quest requirement? As in, should Act II be off limits until you are 26 or until you have returned dqs heart to nitrous... Similarly should Act III require 36 or should it be unlocked when shocks forge is? Just because someone might get owned by an act II creature doesnt mean they should be prevented from entering it...
Just a quick client update, make sure this replaces the old executable you used to run the game. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6881585/client.exe EDIT: There was a problem with the newer client. DON'T DL.
Does it auto-update, because now it wont work for me. I get the "Run-time error '6': Overflow" error message edit: scratch that its working for me now
uhhh...after you complete the bear claw quest the guy says, "I'll give you a hint: right right down down blah blah blah blah. and thats the key!" what does that mean and where do I go...? edit: nvm. it led to a lock thingy where I got bear feet.
I never really played the original rpg, I mean I just started playing when it finished so I never found out where to find the start of the main questline, so where is it?
QUEST GUIDE BEAR FEET Spoiler So Bear the Bear Hunter (Located at the northernmost part of "City Wall") wants 10 bear feet. Go kill some lizard bears, and every now and then one of the drops will be "bear feet." Collect 10 and return to Bear. He will give you 500 experience, 100 FBs, and a key, as well as a hint. Travel to "Forge Forest" and in the northwestern area, you will find a fenced in area. Your new Bear Key unlocks the gate. Walk over to the chest and collect your very own Bear Feet Boots. Outcasted Miner Spoiler This poor miner (Located at the "Inner Beach") has been outcasted from his fellow Minor Miners. He wants to start a new life and build a house. He needs wood. Find 10 logs, which are dropped by Rampant Trees and occaisionally other creatures. Return to the outcasted miner for an experience reward. Project Overseer Spoiler The loggers are hungry. The overseer needs you to bring them some food. He wants 30 grapes and 10 oranges. You can buy your way out of this quest or go hunting. Forge Fairys and Bears drop grapes and oranges occaisionally. The bartender in the Hub Pub sells them as well. Once you have the food, go back to the overseer for a reward of 450 exp, 100 FBs, and a sign kit. Watchtower Spoiler This quest is unique for Act I in that it is repeatable. The Guard in the second level of the guard tower wants you to kill rampant trees. Once you have killed at least ten, you can return to the guard for your reward. He will give you iron, which is like currency for Shock's Forge in Act II. The ratio is not 1:1, in fact it is lower and gets smaller the more tree kills you have. 28 Kills will give 26 iron, but 100 kills will only be 67 iron. Main Quest for Act I Spoiler This quest is in two parts and two bosses. The Foreman's wife is in a room in the hub pub and is a bit mad at her husband. Mad enough that she wants his skull. If you are strong enough, travel to the mine and kill the foreman. He will drop his skull, a key, and possibly a random weapon (blade or pistol). Return to his wife and obtain a reward of xp. King Nitrous, who is rightfully in the castle, will tell you that the Queen has been exiled and tells you that you know what to do. Go up to the mountain, just north of the miners. There will be a gate that requires the Foreman's key. You will notice headstones at the base of the mountain, and that is because if you die on the mountain you do not go to the graveyard in the city but rather the mountain graveyard. Once you make it to the top, there is a maze. You must make it halfway through this maze and purposefully messup to obtain the key you will see on the ground. Once you have the key, you must step on a hot coal and die. Go back up the mountain, complete the maze entirely, and the next gate will use the lol key. When you use the Lol key it WILL DISAPEAR, so either get multiple keys or this is your only shot without going back. There is a portal that will take you the the DQ lair. Once in the lair, the only way out is the bed at the top which is a portal to the Hub Pub. Also, once in the lair, the "spawns" will swarm you. While evading those you must also kill the Dragon Queen. Once you manage to kill her, she will drop a DQ heart, money, and random drops. Take the heart back to nitrous and you will receive a reward of 1000 xp and a key. This key unlocks an area in the mountain with a ring, the royal wedding band. Foreman tactics: Spoiler Demon: Avoiding the miners, aggro the Foreman by either hitting him with an AOE spell or actually hitting him. Hurry and run back near the entrance to trap him on the cliff. AOE him until he dies. Not a demon: Be very wary of the miners, they could trap you or hurt you badly. If you have a ranged weapon, stand at a distance, shoot him, run to a new spot, repeat. If you are a melee class, find a spot where as few miners can hit you as well. Do whatever you can to stay alive, the Foreman has a bit of health. Foreman drops: Foreman's Skull (always) Foreman's Key (always) Foreman's Pistol Foreman's Blade The 2 Ring Dragon Queen tactics: Spoiler I would heavily recommend having a friend with you that can keep the spawns at bay by either running around constantly or trapping them. To trap them, run to one side near the top, wait till they are close, then run to the other side near the top. Run near the bottom and hide on one of the sides at the bottom. If you do it right, they will be above you with a gap between you and them and they cannot get to you. However you want to fight the DQ is up to you, either melee it (bring a LOT of grifade or have healing spells and a lot of grapes), range shoot it, or use the range tactic with an AOE. Drops: DQ Heart (always) 695 FB (always) Anti-Dirt Goggles (Helmet) DQ Armor (chestplate) Coal's Axe (any class) Swift (any class) Aqua Tiger (Cavalier sword) Vanguard Spirit (RARE Vanguard) Demon Pouch (RARE gives Demons HELL FIRE) Main Quest for Act II: Spoiler Talk to Shock Theta, down in Shocks forge (deep into Act II). He will complain about East Side Dead siphoning his supplies. He will want you to go to his assistant. His assistant is right outside the forge. He wants food. Go to the Forge Inn, and talk to Kokki. She will mention something about potatoes. She will want 8 Eagle's Eggs. Go kill some eagles or just harvest them. She will give you a sack of potatoes. Bring it to Shocks Assistant. He will give you a pickaxe. Go back to the eagle area and go into the cave with the trapped girl and Rusty Eagle. Use the pick to get through the rocks. The girl will want Rusty's feather. Go kill Rusty Eagle, who will drop a rusty feather and 69 FBs. Take the feather back to the girl. She will give you a key. This key is to the well outside of shocks forge. Once you get down there, find the King of the Dead. He will tell you to talk to the ambassador. Which is right north of him. The ambassador will laugh and say he wants a sign that you are on his side. Kill enough West Coast Deads to get 20 bandanas. Take them back to the ambassador and he will give you an insignia. Take this insignia to the Dead Guard and he will give you a key which opens the gate right next to him. Talk to the prisoner and he will want a Water Jewel. Go find the askpix and kill it. Warning: It has a good amount of health and hits for 396. Once it drops the water jewel, take it back to the prisoner. He will give you a hat. Take this hat to the ambassador and he will agree to quit siphoning. Go back to shock and talk to him. The quest is finally complete and you can use Shock's Forge. I am currently working on editing these to be clearer, to have a full list of rewards, and to account for the drops of both Act I bosses (in Act II the askpix has no special drops)
Alright guys, we need more players. Please either insert the below line into your sig, or one of the images. [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] Rotating sig between the above 25 and any more I add: [noparse][/noparse] For teh lolz: [noparse][/noparse] Also, if any of you want a sig made from a specific screenshot of the game, just send me the screenshot and I'll make it into a sig variant like the 25 above ones.