The run trick didn't work for gdi32.dll or msimg32.dll or winmm.dll or zlib.dll but it worked for all others. ima try to run the game now. Hells yeah it worked but the server is down nvm I forgot to change the server but I got messed up cause it failed to load a sound... I turned sounds off. Okay so what do I do with a rusty feather and a tower token?
Alright, I'm bumping both of these posts because they were flooded off by stouf. [post=1199024]Hub Pub Design Contest[/post] [post=1199917]New Quest[/post] Heading out for now, won't be on until late.
my bad. Blame it on my computer. edit that question was figured out... new questions: Is there a new healing spell for askars? Is there a new AOE for demons? Bugs: Bandada description: its spelled iNsignia
Hey guys, I started up an official FH:RPG skype chat. Add [highlight]fhmongoose[/highlight] on skype and ask to be added.
For the hub pub contest, do I need to like shop sprites together or just do a drawing blueprint? Also, are we allowed to have multiple floors?
Blueprints at least. And yes, the Hub Pub can have up to two floors. I'll link the two maps through source code editing, so that the game treats them as one, and you send a message to both maps while using map chat on one of them. Also, apparently I'm now the owner of FH:RPG :3 [6:18:16 PM] Chris (Fbu): your lead now you can do what ever you want to the game [6:18:28 PM] Dave (Mongoose): ?
So... you can sell me the house I want now? And you can finish the colosseum and the god tower? YAAAAAY
I've been made a moderator now & I have bought a house in a kick-ass location. But most people wont be able to get there even when the new ACT opens! So yeah. If anyone needs help, let me know! :3 --- My entry. If it is too small, let me know!
C'mon guys, we need more entries for the contest. You get a CUSTOM SPRITE for winning. Anyways, I'm heading out for the night so the server will be down, until around 10:00 AM EST tomorrow.
Yes, your submission is different though because its already mapped in the game. I could possibly merge two designs and make yours better. Lol, I just noticed that for every link there is a bing "continue to site ad". Its really starting to piss me off. I had to watch three ads to come here and make one post. :/
Hey, I completed the gather 30grapes/10oranges quest and I was rewarded with a "Sign Kit" (and 450 exp). [Construction Yard] When I placed the sign (Slightly away from the hub pub teleport location) a sign was indeed placed, however when viewed it reads: "The Sign Reads: HarbingerVanguard's Sign: 0" is this a bug or do I need to set it to something, and can I (if so, how do I) remove the sign? Also, how do I set the sign (if it isn't bugged) If it is bugged, it would appear to be bugged due to some value not existing (which is why it's replaced by 0, or is such by default)
/Your name here: Your message here To update sign (you have to once the message is set).. Walk up to sign and look away from it (press home button) then type.. /updatesign I believe you can now move your sign with.. (looking away like the latter) /removesign