Have to talk to Fbu to get that decided. Act III is getting worked on, and then following that will be Act IV. I just decided what ACT V will be and where it will be located. A cookie for the first person to find out (besides rusty).
Hosues were 20k. If I remember correctly. But yeah I still have tech issues left unsolved... I am sooo confused
You're doing it wrong. Make sure you have the library files extractor from the eclipse website in the right processing bit. Where are you getting stuck at exactly?
Well first I run libraryfiles. It works. I try to run ELI. Error message, zlib1.dll is missing. Try to run ELI123413414523452345. Error message, zlib1.dll is missing. Download the 32 bit thing by Godlord. Run it. yay. Try to run ELI. zlib1.dll is missing.
It's missing for me too. I just opened the client folder and tried running the game anyway. It worked.
I tried running the game and got about 15 errors. You must have played the old game on the same computer...
Do you have the right version of winrar? It needs to be in the right processing capacity and it needs to be for graphics and coding? i believe.
Did you at least try to run it as Admin? Because i was getting the same errors and thats what I did to get it to work.
not only is the only account on our windows 7 an administrator, but even trying run as admin didn't work
Umm try re-downloading everything? Unzip client and extract to desktop then download library files run them in the correct order open up client and double click EE icon
i'll give it a go. ill edit this post with results. Actually I don't have time tonight i'll do it tommorow...
Where do I find this goddess? I'm on the island in the lake at night, but I don't see anything! You guys should have seen my fail. I was in the cave in Act II and couldn't figure out how to get past this rock. Then Mongoose came and showed me you could just walk around it... Learn from my mistakes so you don't look like a complete retard.
http://www.filefactory.com/file/b23c1ah/n/zlib1.dll Try that, I downloaded that from some random link because it didn't work for me either. Just place it in the folder and it will work Enjoy.