Need players on to test the arena scripts. Anyone? Also, we need to boost game activity. PLAY TEH GAEMZ NAO.
Holy **** nobody told me about this wow so happy the real FH: RPG happyface. EDIT: Server's not running? I pinged the IP and got a response so your computer is obviously on, why aren't you running the server? Either way, I need to go to sleep and I'm going to Italy for a week. Sadface.
I think this might be a problem... I've had the server up for a few days straight. I'll see to getting it fixed.
i so need help with something like this,im using BYOND dreammaker but i dont understand the coding i can start up a HUGE chat and make the characters but cant use them :'( Could someone PM me with a code for it please it would really help (i want to make something as epic as the forgehub RPG) Anyways SWEET.I love it!
I can't run ELI it says im missing some file... even after running libraryfiles where do i get zlib1.dll oh and is my old account still active I don't want to lose my awesomeness
I'm having the same problem as stouf, I've downloaded and run Library files installer, do I need to run the 32 or 64 bit files by GodLord as well? EDIT: I ran the slim, I'll the 32 bit instead.
To those with problems, you should have the zlib1.dll after running the LibraryFiles, that's what is installs. You'd have to consult one of the admins or moderators at touch of death forums, and see what the problem is. I'm going to do that now to see whats wrong. I'll update the tut with the fix if there is one. News update. I just looked at Act III (what there is of it) and jizzed in my pants. Working on it to get it finished ASAP.
Sweet, I just got in the game and everything's up to speed. I did notice a slight error after taking my first few steps, the ship's cook is named the captain. A mutiny waiting to happen perhaps???
But what about my second question, is my account still active cause I had three maxed out characters with their best weapons (from DQ soloing of course) Oh and neither library files nor Godlords thingy gave me zlib1.dll So I cannot run ELI. too bad weve gotten a new computer since I played FHRPG
yes, your account is still on there if you forgot your password, i could retrieve it for you. Edit: rusty had the same problem, ask him what he did.
I got everything working fine stouf, even though that file isn't there you can simple open the folder and look for the Icon with EE and click it.
Alright guys, time for a contest to build some hype. FH:RPG Hub Pub 2.0 Design Contest All of you veteran FH:RPG players are familiar with the Hub Pub. It was an awesome place. Everyone hung out, traded things, or got drunk until they died (Hari). Well the Hub Pub 2.0 is like that, except better. It will be a universal map, meaning, you can come in from Act I, and if you're a high enough level, you can leave to Act II through the same door through use of a menu. How does it work? A little bit of scripting is all it ever takes. Now to the point of this contest. I'm looking for the best design for a layout of this new Hub Pub 2.0, to make it the awesomest, most amazing thing you have ever seen (well, when Reach comes out, that might not be so true). All I'm looking for is a basic sketch of a layout for the Hub Pub 2.0. There will be many features included, so be sure to label where those go, and you can suggest some as well. What does the winning design get? One Custom Sprite Token and 2500 Forge Bucks. You want? Read below for the rules and get submittin'! Some basic rules: You are allowed more than one entry. The maps are only 30x30, so keep in mind size limitations. Nothing outrageously stupid or illogical. The design must have an entrance placed somewhere near the bottom of the map. Design must also include a place for a bar and at least two booths. Some features you may want to include a place for: (keep in mind these are subject to change) Small PvP area Trade tables (unlikely) Private Meeting Rooms In-game computers that load this thread. Any feature that you suggest along with your submission. Post your designs below and PM me if I don't add them to this post before 24 hours later. Currently Submitted Designs: Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Questions or suggestions? Post them here.
@ rusty, I can't run ELI or ELI######### without it, and without those I can't run the client. I tried just running the client and I get millions of errors... I'm still stuck... If I remember correctly 2.5k was easy with dq. step it up... Which reminds me, I do have a few questions is the DQ lair still open are there new bosses are there new weapons to go with them
And I also need music suggestions for the Hub Pub 2.0. It can be a compilation, I just need a (list of) song(s) to put in the game.
So are people going to be able to by those empty houses (i found 3 so far) in Act II, and how much will they be?