Code skill or no code skill, I already spent quite a bit of time on the current rpg. I would, however, be perfectly fine if you kept the data from the current one alive and had a method of transferring, IE making an account for an existing user that has similar levels.
I just feel that this game isn't what it was anymore. If everyone was back on the same level with a whole different game experience, I think that would revive its player base. I'm not sure though, and I'm open to suggestions.
Well I think from now until Reach releases should be the... beta? Well Alpha/Beta stage of it. Just because the site will be receiving a lot of traffic when Reach releases. So just until that time, tweak it. Or whatever, i'm not entirely sure where your at in the production stages, or even who's all working on it.
No, not at all. I don't think of myself any different form anybody else. I'm just using facts to get my revenge. Now that I have got that I can once again be a complying citizen. Oh and 3D and 2D are hugely different. He's going to have to drop the coding he knows for something else when he changes over sorry to say. Anyway, now to give my honest opinion... Go for it Mongoose. People are eventually going to get bored of the current version and the game will die. If you remake it, it will be pretty much a different experience and old and new members will join to take it for a spin. There will be many people on at the same time making it more enjoyable so people will continue joining. I would also wait awhile before releasing it. When the reach hype wears down then do it so the plan above will work(lots of people online).
Every time I run the ELI files it says things couldn't decompress then when running the game I get the runtime error 339 and it can't load colors.txt.
Try re-downloading the files. Did you use winrar to extract the files? Besides, it doesn't matter because the game is down for now. The entire game uses WinSock to send and recieve data from client to server.
Yup used winrar, only thing I use to rar files and extract them. Already tried re downloading the files too.
Alright Mongoose, now since I'm not pissed off anymore, I'd be willing to help you with your 3D version (when your ready to do it). I know you probably don't want my help but you could use it and I'm always willing to help a fellow FH member out! I just upgraded my engine to the unreal development kit... You know? The thing that Camel Carcase said I'd never get! So I'm learning a new programing language too! I've been a little lazy lately but I'm still working relatively hard and I'm up for a challenge! If you want my help when the time comes just tell me Oh and what programs are you using?
lol The game has been down for a few months now and won't be back up until around the New Year. That is if it ever does come back up.
Believe it or not, I've been working on the game all of this time. Wait, I wasn't supposed to tell you that... ummm....
Does that mean if I were to use the special client I got for the clearing out of houses/fixing places I could see the progress?
Not currently, I have the server on a laptop and have been running it locally. I won't be transferring it back to my server computer until mid-November.
Anyone have old files or screenshots of the game. (mostly pengy cave) Some of us need it for nostalgia. kThx