FH:RPG lulz! & Discushhionzzz (HubPub 2.0 Design Contest!) Why hello thar! It seems you have stumbled upon the official thread for the OFFICIAL Forge Hub Role Playing Game. Confused? Let me explain. A long, long time ago, there was a man, his name was Fbu. In fact, he's still around today! But that's not the point. During this period of time long ago, Fbu decided he would create a game. A game he had been planning since he was a young boy. When Fbu came to Forge Hub, he decided he would make this game for all of us here at this website, and call it, FH:RPG. Now it took him a while to build this game, but once he did, it was a huge success. Many, many people played it in its early stages, and it was a hit. It even had its own subforum! Now you may be scratching your head wondering, "Had its own subforum? What do you mean had?" That, my dear friend, brings us to the next part of our story. Fbu had gone off to college, and his server and the game went down. Down a deep, dark spiraling fall to the bottom of the hole we're trying to dig it out of now. The subforum remained inactive for several months, and then, POOF! It disappeared off the face of the forum. It was a long, long time since then, and a new leader, yours truly, started recreating a new world for those FH:RPG players that longed for a similar experience to the one Fbu had brought them. This new game world began to grow rapidly, and it was named The Other FH:RPG. Why? Because, I knew what would happen next. Fbu comes home, the summer of 2010, and attempts to host his server again. Having some problems, I attempted to help him figure them out, and hatched a brilliant idea. I said, "Fbu, being the low-life, sit-inside-all-day person I am, why don't I host your server for you?" And that is where we are today. Fbu has stepped down and given me ownership of the RPG. Already, I've went though his scripts and organized them, debugged them, and reimplemented them into the game. Now you may be wondering, "How can I get myself into this amazing game world?" Click the spoiler below for a handy little installation tutorial. Installation Tutorial: Spoiler DOWNLOAD CLIENT HERE Use WinRar archiver to extract the files and move them to their own folder. After extracting, you should see this: Run the Library Files application as administrator first. Make sure it is installing to system32 if you have a 32bit, and sysWOW64 if you have 64bit. After that, run the ELI, and then the ELI [insert random numbers and letters here] applications as an administrator. These also install to your system drivers directory so that the game can run. Now that the driver files have been installed, open up the client folder. Double click the application that has EE as its icon. You should see this pop up. This is the window you will play the game through. Click on IP config and make sure that the IP is fhrpg.servegame.com and the port is 4000. Now all you have to do is create an account and log in. Report any errors in this thread and someone will help you. Pictures Important Links [post=1199024]FHRPG Hub Pub 2.0 Design Contest[/post] [post=1199917]New Quest- Sign Kit[/post] [post=1209702]Client UPDATE[/post] SERVER STATUS
This is the original FH:RPG, made by Fbu. It was a game where 4chubbers could hang out and get to know each other. It has quests involving various ForgeHub admins and members, etc. After a while Fbu never released the next Act, and the game died and disappeared off of the face of the forum. Now I'm hosting it while Fbu sorts out problems with his computer hosting it. You should clear up the space, it isn't that much of a file (around 100 MB).
Edit: This forum lag caused a double post. Sorry. In order to make use of this post, I'll post some pics.
Edit: OK, this definitely needs to be fixed. I don't even click twice and it double posts. >.< I shut it down because nobody was online. Sorry.
When I finally see the server up and almost able to log in I'm greeted with this nice little message that's really starting to piss me off. :/ EDIT: Getting my problem fixed as we speak with the help of some old friends/developers of the game. :/
Now the only problem that remains and is affecting everyone is the fact your using some pretty damn old map files that need to be updated... IE. My house is basically gone or at least back to the way it was before I bought it... Empty... Oh, and now I have to wait for the server to disconnect me cause the multiple account log in thing is stopping me now.
Spammy post. I guess it isn't because some discussion has come from it. The source is in VB6, and the in-game scripts use a modified version of VB6, Sadscript.
Spoiler ^^PICTURE OF ERROR^^ I'm missing about 9 files or something? It then says that it will try to re-create the config.ini file. Then it say component VBMP.ocx or one of it's dependencies is not registered correctly: a file is missing or invalid... Any help? Please!
sorry about old maps and old client I'll get on the newer ones tomorrow (yatch party today lul) I think I still have the new ones in another place. I just put the backup ones to get it working again.
Not needed, I updated the maps. Unless you have changed the ACT II and later ones, the maps are good. @those who get errors, download and run the eclipse library files installer.
So the game is working? How many people are there online most the time? If it's not a gost town I'll play!