thoughts? colour is a bit annoying seeing as it's FH light but its working OK so far. not sure what icon to have either, oo and ill have to adjust the background to get rid of the black things etc. full size isnt full quality: Spoiler NEW VERSION: Spoiler
-The navbar is way to big. -the background should blend into the black on the bottom. -the register link on top seems to be out of place, and the text doesn't match. -The logo on top right needs to be fixed and 'light' needs to be removed. -The background on the right doesn't fit and could use some lighting. Other then that.. great job. I love the color choice and the scheme
-seeing it now, i'd agree -i will rectify that soon -yeah i was worried about that but the larger text doesnt fit with the other fonts -does it really have to? -the background is all one image....
The navbar is obnoxiously large. Its a smack in the face. Far too large for a navbar. its bigger than the title :/
i copied mirajs for the dimensions and rounded it off. oh and something else, ive forgotten the under navbar, so ill split it up
Well, this and my style is meant to be a fixed width style, therefore it has to fit into the width of at least those who have 1024x768 resolution on their computers. I normally like to use 960px for the width whenever I make a fixed width website, since i can divide 960 into 2, 3, or 4 columns because 960 is divisible by 2, 3, and 4. However, the current width for the fixed styles is around 953px, so I think I used 950 or 952px. For the other sizes, I chose reasonable sizes.
- I don't like the red glow on the monitor for the status icon. - The background needs to be blended better with the forum. Make the forum shadow (border of the wrapper) bigger and darken the background image a little. My eyes are bouncing all over the place, it just needs a little depth. - After looking more into the banner, I think it needs to be changed. - The gray navigation bar on the bottom of the actual navigation needs to change color. That gray is really random and doesn't fit the color scheme. I also dislike the location of register/log out links there. The better font is needed also. Try Tahoma or Verdana. - The login button is still too large. Other than that, it's looking great. I lol'd at the 'Featured Halo Maps' section. I see what you did there .
I like the new, updated version, edit it into the OP. On the new one: it looks great, but it's easier to say what I don't like. The login bar at the very top would disappear after one logs in, so having the navbar at the very top of every page is something I don't exactly like. If you can take the banner with the login info and avy and stuff inbetween the thick nav bar and the login bar that's on top of the page, it'll look better IMO. Also, as Miraj said, I don;t like the color of the monitor when new posts are in the forum. I'd change the hue to match the orangey- tan of the sky in the background image, and highlight it's dark elements in the icon, so it doesn't blend in too much. the "no new posts" one looks fine. Love the colors, definitely something new. I'd use it (if i had vB ).
well im not fully backing the icon colours, it was mainly a little experiment what would be good looking to people. the ubttons are really just the choice of the admin because its part of the functionality of the site --- i think a good combo could be bringing the search bar back to the original place and get rid of the top bar completely and then bring the login next to the main header buttons
The monitor being red for new posts looks really awkward IMO. Also, the green/blue "Contest" colour looks like poop with the current colour scheme.