Well, this is Forge Hub. It started off as a blog, then grew larger and larger as more people became interested in making maps for Halo 3. It's been through many ups and downs, several changes of the guard, and hundreds of ideas of what, ideally, Forge Hub should be like. Forge Hub can be a group focused on idolizing great maps and expecting more from their authors, such as how we currently act with the Featured and Premium system. Or, it can be broader and more open to the public map makers. Forge Hub can be a site in which we are focused solely on Halo map making. Or, we can branch out into many different games, such as how XForgery is made. Forge Hub can be a stricter, more serious, more heavily moderated site, in an effort to lower spamming, flaming, and other related problems. Or, we could get more laid back and have more fun. It's not really obvious to me on what the majority of FH wants to do with the site. I'd rather have the community cast their votes to illustrate what they want done than do blind guessing, and I'm pretty sure the staff would, too. There will be six check boxes in the poll that you can pick. Pick one question for each subject. In the two poll options, "Should we revert back into a Halo 3-only mapmaking community? Yes" and "Should we revert back into a Halo 3-only mapmaking community? No", pick either Yes or No.
This is going to be an interesting poll. I found myself wanting to choose options somewhere in the grey area between each option, but in the end I was reasonably satisfied with my choices.
I know what I think yet part of me likes sections other than Halo 3 too. General Chat is still interesting, yet Off-Topic is sometimes good for a little chat. (That was for the 'only H-3 site' option)
I think the stricter and more serious section was the only one that I think needs a little more clarification. If forgehub is all work and no play... well.... we wouldn't be here. I think its important to have fun on this site, and to express opinions and views, and most importantly share maps. There does need to be boundaries and rules and guidelines, but if they become too strict, the fun is completely taken from the site. There is a line between being too strict and being too lenient, and we're still trying to find that line. The site has strayed lately because we haven't had a really good forge map in a long time, and I also think its because of many other games that have become available lately that are pretty damn fun. The problem is we've made a lot of friends here who we now play with outside of Halo. So while our community is strong, our site focus isn't. As a result, the map section isn't as busy or vibrant as it once was. I think a lot of this will change when Sandbox is released. We'll all be brought back to what originally drew us here: Halo 3 Forge.
That line has been crossed recently, I only hope Shock & the few small collective others worked everything out.
Please, go ahead. Actually, it's good if you guys debate/argue with each other on what you want. Then, persuade more people to your side of the argument.
I thought this would be a more difficult poll... "Hm, lesee what Nemi's got ferrus. ... Okay, no. ... No. ... I feel like an anarchist now. THANKS PRICK."
My answer's & why: 1. FH centered around few, good maps? NO! For obvious reasons. ForgeHub is centered around community maps. That means there'll always be plenty (and there should be), however quality is subjective. 2. Revert to Halo 3: Yes. That's where it started, and really what most incoming members are here for. Just seems obvious to me. Far Cry is to different to try to bring them together. 3. Stricter: No. It's really gray... DtL said it best.
I really hope ForgeHub doesn't just focus on Halo 3. After a while Halo 3 will die out and I don't think a lot of people will care about a site that only devotes itself to an old game. The more games are on the list the more users (hopefully friendly ones) can enjoy the community.
What exactly do you mean by revert back to H3? If it means getting rid of the FC section then sure, apparently it's that or the shoutbox. If it means getting rid of Gaming discussion, no way.