Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by RichIBuildJumps, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
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    After having a massive nerd/rage/***** quit fit last night, I decided to do some forging, & some good came out of it for once.

    Couldn't think of a name for this, so I called it FFA, 'cause that's what I saved it as first :)

    Obviously its a FFA map, designed for 8 players, & still needs testing.

    I tried adding everything people like, such as tricky jumps that are well rewarded, good aesthetic & smooth forging, and consistent / fair spawns.

    DMR x6 30s respawn 2 spare clips
    Needle Rifle x1 30s respawn 2 spare clips
    Frag Grenade x2
    Plasma Grenade x2
    Health Station x2








    If anybody wants to test, let me know & Ill start up a customs some time and hand out the invites!



    Download V2

    V2 Contains -

    Upgraded Initial re-spawn points

    Added more re-spawn points

    Removed 'problem' re-spawn points to help the flow of game play, allowing players to set up areas better and maybe get a decent kill streak

    Added significant cover to the middle of the map

    Added extra jumps in some of the 'deeper' parts of the map after complaints of players having no escape

    Added a roof to each of the facing towers; one is accessible via three ways, the other is non-accessible (If you find a way up, let me know)

    Replaced the health station on the big tower to an easier to access location


    #1 RichIBuildJumps, Nov 18, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2010
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Hmm. Here are some suggestions and comments -

    1. Layout reminds me of Sanctuary with the circular design, open-air bases, and middle structure connected by elevated bridges. By no means a bad thing (I always liked that map) but you may have to put some effort in to bring out some originality, because this is a fairly common layout.

    2. Going solely on the screenshots and your notes above, the map seems very short on both respawn points and weapons. I'm surprised to see what looks like an overview screenshot of nearly the whole map, and there's less than ten visible respawn points (not counting initial spawns). Also not many weapons and not much variety - is it intentional to just have it be a mid to long range fest? Not necessarily a bad thing but it's certainly not what I'm used to - even MLG maps usually have a few non-DMR odds and ends.

    3. I feel like the top level could use more cover, and some of it ought to be substantial - big pillars or walls, semi-enclosed structures, etc. Otherwise the gameplay will degenerate into who can get a good position up top and pick off anybody who appears in front of them. Lines of sight up there look very open. This matters less in FFA than team, but I think it still matters.

    Those are my initial thoughts, hope they help. I think there is some good stuff to work with here, but I don't see this as a map that was fully ready for release. I'd be interested to see where you take it from here though.
  3. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
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    The respawns are being worked upon in v2, also adding a roof to one or both of the side towers! Thanks!
  4. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    Hey. Do you actually have ANY friends? And I mean proper friends, not cyber friends.
    I mean seriously, if you don't like a map, either don't post at all, or at least tell him what's wrong with it and why you dislike it. Have you even played the map?
    Note: I'm not talking to myself randomly, his post has since been deleted :p

    Personally, the first picture really tingled my cherry, it looks really nice. However, when I looked at the rest of the screenshots, I wasn't quite as pleased. It's not that it looks bad, but where you have used the edit co-ordinates system with certain blocks and then put them at angles to each other, parts just look ugly and messy. Yes, I know it's strange; I'm criticizing the map for being TOO smooth, but that's how I feel. You can edit the blocks a tiny amount not using the co-ordinates system to make it so that their textures don't overlap but still look and feel smooth, if you agree with what I said.

    That aside, it looks like you have a really solid design with multiple levels. I haven't played it so I cannot comment on gameplay, but I will download it, and hopefully I will remember to get back at you.

    As el megapwn said, respawn points seem to be an issue, but you did say you would sort that out.

    Edit: Can't DL atm, having trouble with bungie.net.
    #4 CzIz, Nov 18, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2010
  5. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
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    Version two added! Check the first post!

    That's strange for the most part, because I didn't use the checkpoint nudging (or whatever you call it) for a lot of the map, because it doesn't make it smooth enough. If you could post an example of what you mean i would be grateful? Because I don't fully understand what you mean.

    It would be really helpful to me if, when downloaded, people could play the map, as I'm aiming for how it plays rather than just how it looks. Thanks :)

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