FFA The Pit v5 Two words, PERFECTLY SYMETRICAL! This is a perfectly symetrical Free-for-all, slayer only map. It is a arena shaped map with 3 floors: Top: Rooftop Medium: Flooring of Double Boxes Lowest: Basement Made by Cydronix & English994 Weapons/Powerups on Map Sniper Rifle x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Plasma Grenades x8 Active Camo x1 Plasma Pistol x2 Gravity Hammer x1 Sniper Base Flat View of Middle Floor Different Flat View of Medium Level Angle 3rd Floor Overview Map/Birds Eye View DOWNLOAD FFA THE PIT V5 PLEASE LOOK AT MY OTHER MAP FFA RADIATION Sincerely, Cydronix & English994
YAY FIRST POST maps looks very cleanly interlocked and geo-merged is it meant to be a remake of the map the pit or what?? anyway 5/5 will download and play later
this map looks realy cool. i love the small fast paced maps. i just have one problem with this map. wut up with the weapon set. you have 1 sniper and 1 rocket with a bunch of plasmas. NO BR??? i suggest you make a v6 with a better weaopn set but the map itself is excelently made. 5/5
i say nay on teleporters. but otherwise exellent interlocking 5/5 good gameplay 4.5/5 nice asthetics 4.5/5 keep forgin!
Looks really good but please dont advertise other maps in your own thread, keep them in seperate threads, all in all, looks really solid, 4.5/4.8 like ur other map better