
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RadiantRain, Aug 10, 2008.

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  1. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Wow that really sucks.

    I really respect women, in person and elsewhere. I would never make fun of a girl over XBL, and have been in matchmaking with guys making fun of a girl and had to tell them to "knock it off."

    If you want my personal opinion, it's because males are different than females. Not dominant, but in your brain and how you think. Males want to be dominant. That's why guys fight amongst themselves, and that's why they treat girls like every girl is worth nothing more than a servant to there whims. Usually sexual desire. It's especially easy over Xbox Live because you don't have to say it directly to someone, and there are little to no reprocautions, which is why it happens there not so much at school. I'm not sure why males have such superiority complexes, or why they believe they are so dominant. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you I'm any different. I can be very competitve, and when I become competitve, it's not very pleasant. But the difference is that for me the rules of conduct don't change between sexes, races, or antyhing of the likeness. If anything, I'm more respectful to women than to men. As for most men, they have their dominance/superiority thing, and to top that off, well, men have a lot of hormones.

    See we just don't fully consider the consequences at the time. Or we're just to blind to care.

    I'm really sorry that this happens, and to be honest it really sucks. I get made fun of all sorts of things, but nothing like gender or race (white male isn't usally the target of many insults). I'd love to play with you on XBL if you'd want to sometimes, seeing as I'm nottadouche. PM me if you'd wanna sometimes. And sorry, again.
  2. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Lol, I guess I'm prolly the youngest here anyways, and the only reason I said that was because I couldn't think of anything...
    Knight Kninja likes this.
  3. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
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    Honestly, when I'm aware that there's a female in the party I'm playing with, I try hard (maybe too hard) to actually not talk to them. Not because I hate them or anything, but because I'm scared I'm gonna accidentally piss them off somehow and have my account banned or something...
    !nikheizen likes this.
  4. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Here to just say that, you have to do what is right for you, don't insult them if you don't feel it's right. Only overextend a part of yourself if you feel you need to take action, and the time is right, or you want to accomplish something that you wouldn't normally be able to. Society is a sensitive situation, and no one thing is always right, so you have to teach yourself when things are right, and when you have to do things that aren't.
    In the long run, what really matters is if you feel right with yourself, at least that's what I think.

  5. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    there all dicks basicaly

    as a guy i know were they come from but the difference is they cant get girls in real life

    so they have to act like the bigger gender and be like "hey ***** wanna blo me"

    im not sayin its not funny when u do it with freinds
  6. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    They are just douchebags trying to be cool in front of their cyberfriends.


    what they're really thinking on the inside is probably something like:

    Oh My ****ing god! a GIRL!!! Should I send her a friend request?!? Do you think she likes me because I got a Kill Frenzy? PARTY UP! PARTY UP! PARTY UP!
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    This is often a sad fact, if you want proof then just look at Smiley over on MLGpro.com, teenage boy-tempting eye candy if ever I saw it. I'm not saying she sucks at Halo, but we all know why she's there.
  8. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    I have quite a few girls on my friends list, and every single one of them I talk to them like a friend. Whenever I hear disrespect towards women online, I just tell them to mute the idiots, and then I tell them to "shut the **** up".
    It's also fun to play with girls because you have some of the most funniest conversations you'd never get with another guy.
    Truly, most of the guys on XBL only trash-talk girls because either they're scared, they're young teens with only sex on their mind, or just the fact that they are complete assholes with hardly any or no respect for women.

    I also hear male/male trash-talk, but mostly that's for competitive reasons. A lot of guys can't stand to get beat, so they resort to insulting others.
    Losing is not a big problem to me, it's seriously just a game, which is for both males and females.
  9. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Ok, I'm glad you respect Females on XboxLive... I guess I do have to stay quite. And don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong.

    Why thank you... I guess like I said before, no more talking seems like the only solution. I am sure that males will just act like that on Xbox, and not in Real Life.
    #69 RadiantRain, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
  10. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    ya iv have a few girl friemds online and they are treated like **** then after the game they get friend requests from the same people.

    10 to 1 those guys are the nerds at the school who only talk to you like that becuase they get picked on alot

    what c&c games do u play
  11. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I get that too, which means that I agree with everyone who stated something like this. For C&C I play versus mainly but I also enjoy CTF.

    I don't know what you are talking about?
  12. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    I have a "sorry" habit. Just a thing we do as humans. You shouldn't have to really stay quiet. Just say what you need to say. Guys are stupid and they trash-talk in the lobbies. The reason why you're usually quiet is probably partly because there isn't really anything to say. I mean its usually complete strangers and there's not much to talk about outside of the game. So speak when you have something to say. You shouldn't have to stay quiet if there is something you feel that you need or want to say. But since there's usually nothing to say, being quiet is okay. I'm usually quiet in lobbies unless I'm with a friend and we're talking. Just because I'm not so stupid I'd obsess over a game.
  13. The God of Grunge


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    Dude, am the only one who has never trash talked on xbox live? All I have ever done is talked about how great hard boiled eggs are, and sat there quiet.
  14. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    LOLWUT? we have another girl here on FH? Guess toochie aint gonna be the only official Girl of FH no more :p

    anyways, back on topic, I have seen first hand how some guys act when they see a girl, because whenever Toochie opens her yap during Social, guys go all gaga over her, some are rude, some are disgusting, some actually "try" to act super nice. It doesnt happen all the time, it used to happen more when we barely started playing Halo back in October. Best thing you can do is just mute them, report them, or if its before a match, kick there asses and Tbag, they HATE it when a chicks pwn them.

    In behalf of men who think with there ***** and not with there heads, I apologize for ruining your xbl experience, what ever us men have said in the past was uncalled for. Girls shouldn't be afraid to play halo just because of douchebags out there.

    I haz an Idea, why don't you play with toochie and I one of these days, im sure you will feel better playing with another fellow girl. Just send one of use a Friend Request if your down.
  15. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    Mute 'em. Case closed.
  16. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    like said earlier guys trash talk each other too but yes people can be ignorant and sexist when online. You've proboly heard this allot but its just showing off I'm sure if you met them in real life they would act very different. If i was one of them i would be honored its not all the time you play against a women even though there are many many that, people react differently. i/and many others would try to encourage more, because its a community and whats a community without women?, but for now ignore it and just think everyone's not like that :)

    well its a guy thing, don't blame us even though some go way too far on times
  17. Conspiracy0

    Conspiracy0 Ancient
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    They just say that cause they can't get any.

    Pisses me off too.
  18. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    That Is True. I would like to see a lot more girls play halo and other games. It helps broaden the community and we can have a more enjoyable games then having 30 year olds with no life trash talk and bash you with cussing words and harassment that is not needed.
  19. Kagemusha

    Kagemusha Ancient
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  20. The God of Grunge


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    That pic is win on multiple levels.

    How I love propaganda.
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