I thought we could use a thread in which we suggest great maps which are not featured and should be. Don't suggest your own map...besides its jsut fo fun dont expect the hierarchy to actually care. Ill start it off.....I really like the jump maps by devinish and i think it would be a cool map pak to have all 3
alright... gonna say this cause i think its obvious but Cosmics, "Pallet Parade" deserves a feature... the conveyor belt and aesthetic features are just mind-boggling lol
Nice. I was about to say: Draw the Line's End of the Line... but then I realized that it just got the prestigious front page. I like Devinish's JMP maps as well... very nice little puzzles (and I hear he has more cool stuff like that in the works... I got to do some beta-testing). Thanks for suggesting my map. I'm honored. Kapura's midship remake, Centervessel looks awesome as well, as long as the kinks have been ironed out.
Sort of agree, but the gameplay isn't too great IMO for it to be featured. From first look it is, but... Otherwise, I don't really have any suggestions