I think rain haz converted me. I guess Im Bi now, but I just cant resist rains secskyness. XD oo yea I forgot to mention some people before, specifically Ivory Snack and Linu, and E93, mah cloney XD ZOMG forgot Gobbz.... and nemi and Turbogerbil XD But if I was to name my top... 5 Not in any order btw, 1. Rain 2. Tion 3. Gobbz 4. Gunz 5. E93
dude.. what about me zstrike? i remembered you about ten minutes ago and i was coming back to add you.. anyways heres some others: zstrike deepmonkeypaw (i wish he would come back) rain is pretty cool for posting that amazing picture in the OM NOM thread.... lol jk
sry Knight lol... i forgot. Im not that great with remembering everyone, theres a lot of people. You and reaper are def 2 more.
:embarassed::squirrel_giggle::kninja:.... you maka me blush.... HEY TDF MY SQUIRREL IS STILL BROKEN!!!
Pegasi Delta is definitely my favorite Hubber right now. He's always helpful and insightful on the forums. Pegasi always manages to speak my mind before I enter a thread.....I usually end up repeating him verbatim, lol. And while forging may not impact my decision here, Pegasi is an up and coming forging force to be reckoned with. Expect to see some amazing stuff from him in the future.
My favorite peoples? All of the following, of course. Asper49: Awesome. Tex: Awesome. Chipsinabox: Awesome. Insane54: LAAAAAAAAAYLAAAAAAAA Nemihara: Arahimen. Projectt2501: is never online anymore. Iron Tusk: ಠ_ಠ Bnasty574: B! Bbbbbbbbbbb! SargeantSarcasm: Wait, what are you doing here? You're not my favorite peoples?! Pegasi Delta: Well, Pegasi is quite the character in my esteemed opinion, as he's always full of insight for anything that one would care to talk about, whether that be serious conversation or just the joking around of our diverse nations. In essence he's a cool dude who likes to hang loose (no matter what size his paragraphs may lead you to assume), play a little guitar and chill, but he's secretly a smart guy who can't help but rant about every silly little thing that comes to mind. In closing, Pegasi Delta is more than the smart dude that you see on the computer, but he's just a guy who occasionally gets drunk and parties, like the rest of society. NeverlessWonder: Nev! ... Nev! Thesilencebroken: Why are you here? Dunno lol. Nemihara: Wtf two?! INORITE?! TEHMastar: Kira: Kagemusha: Super Solider:
My favorite men on Forge Hub are as follows, this is however in no particular order however so don't get pissed if you aren't first. ((Not that anyone cares about me in paticular.)) Dom Says Oi: My first friend on Forge Hub, well pretty much a great friend wasn't the first but you get the situation. This guy kicks ass, and has shown me alot of his forging and taught me alot about forging. Nemihara: This guy was my first online forge hub friend, however we don't really talk a lot for some reason. I guess he grew too popular for me. Ah well, we still PM each sometimes and when I get down this is the guy I go to he brings up my happy state. Skittlesmeister: This is guy all cool, I know not alot of people on Forge Hub like him but I do. If you don't, **** you! He's a great map maker and he shows me things on forging that I didn't think were possible. Of course his maps aren't that great compared to others, but he's still a prominent forger. We are great friends, and I even talk to him on AIM time to time. Linou: This guy is probably one of my best aussie friends, Linou talks to me alot in the 1,000,000 topic and I aprreciate that. Scopulus: We made a deal on the Forge Hub Flipbook, and holy hell I helped him by a long shot.
Which is exactly why you're not on the list. *Pukes* Oh wait, lol. I forgot puking was good. Welcome to the list buddy.
My absence from lists both confuses and insults me... Anyways... NeverlessWonder: Some would say he ****ing wins at the internet Furious D 18: Never afraid to poke fun at himself, and a nice guy all round. Dom says Oi: Because there is nothing funnier than a teenage American boy wearing a monocle Cosmic Rick: I have gone cosmic.... Bl00D F1R3: Always happy to help out by making vids (only for special people) and a great guy for MM albyhouse: GIMP master, and his friends are fun to talk to... All The Gay[COLOR=Magenta]s: [/COLOR]except for when they are trying to change your sexuakity, these guys are quite cool. GoodWhaleSushi: the winlyest 12 year old. Quiganomenometry: duhh... rusty eagle: helphelphelphelphelphelp Insane54: TO BE OF ROCK AND NOT TO ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Sargeant Sarcasm: the professional asshole... lucky bastard... LIFESCOUT252: Teh mongoose, one-sided objective, floating base, master. [B][COLOR=Indigo]Vicious Vice: [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Indigo][COLOR=Black]the Mongoose [B]Meister [COLOR=DarkRed]Draw the Line: [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=DarkRed][COLOR=Black]Pure awesome, with help included.[/COLOR][/COLOR]Sorry if I forgot anyone, but it's early/late. Pigbo- Sticky: what are you talking about? 3 am is prime time for gamers... [/COLOR][/COLOR]
u were on mah list Ivory. But Im takin u off! Gasp im shocked at you! lol.... all those times at 3 in the morning...