1.Halo 3 2.Halo 1 3. Golden eye [N64] 4.Unreal Champion ship 2005 [xbox] 5.GTA IV Thats my list of some classic favorites mixed in with newer favorites. Other games I used to play included Worms Armegedon [N64] Then Super smash Bros Melee on the [N64], Mass effect, COD 4, Twisted Metal 4 [PS1]
In order 1. Halo 3 2. Halo CE, Halo 2 and Bioshock 3. Gears of war and Guild wars 4. Star Wars Knights of the old republic 1&2 5.Lord of the rings the battle for middle earth 1&2
1.Legend of Zelda: ocarina of time 2.Star fox 64 3.Bio shock 4.Command and conquer Generals 5.The Halo series.
Sorry, can't contain this to 5 games. I could actually make this list even larger,but I'll spare you :0) 10. Doom Series (PC) 9. Legend of Zelda Series (NES,SNES) 8. Sonic The Hedgehog Series (Genesis) 7. Super Mario Bros 1,2,3, and World (NES,SNES) 6. Soul Blade/Soul Calibur Series (PS1,XBOX) 5. Final Fantasy VII (PS1) 4. Metroid Series (NES,SNES,GBA,GC) 3. Mega Man Series (NES) 2. Halo Series (XBOX 1 & 360) 1. Metal Gear Solid (PS1)