Choppers are okay, as long as the other vehicles on the map are just light ground vehicles as well. I also want to tell a short, funny story. I was fooling around in forge, so I made a mancannon "trampoline". After a few jumps by foot, I tried the jump with a vehicle. That vehicle was a Chopper. Anyways, when I went across the jumpad, I was going forward as well as up. Then, on the way down, I boosted, and somehow, I landed and blew up into pieces of Chopper and Spartan. Anyways, Scorpion, FTW. The driver itself is powerful, but with a gunner, it keeps all the people off, and it gets rid of banshees too. It can survive a Laser Shot too, unless you hit the cockpit area.
Gaus warthog! I love driving or gunning in that thing, it's so much fun in multiplayer sniping people with the gaus, or eating people with the grills of the hog lol.
Too bad the Gauss Hog isn't on MM. Actually, it's better that way. It's simply a less powerful Scorpion, faster, and can have a passenger to carry something like a Flag. No, not on MM, it's an Uber power weapon on wheels.