What's your favorite weapon for riding in the passenger seat of a vehicle? generally I'd say brute shot, except in the hornet... than its laser for sure. You can choose more than one in the poll. just curious! feel free to mention any I didn't list, but I can't think of any others that would be that effective
Got to go with Gravity Hammer, although I think it would be super badass if there was an option to turn 'foom' on while riding a vehicle. Think about it- Back of a mongoose, swing your hammer and go flying.
Sniper without a doubt. It makes you feel like a badass when you no-scope an opponent after he almost killed your whole team on the warthog.
The sniper works great too though, for some reason the bullet hits the target immideatly instead of taking a second... Maybe its just me though
Mongoose jumping anybody? Now have you ever tried it in a warthog? OMG best weekend ever. Nongoose Jumped into a lift on valhalla and flew into the hill ;D
Rockets or a Brute Shot for different reasons. -Rockets just destroy anyone in your way and is actually really good on a mongoose as if Bungie suggested that people do it *cough cough The Storm cough cough* -Brute Shot so you can do cool jumps and probably one of the best non power weapons to use on a mongoose.
why the hell isn't the needler up there?! if you're going at speed, the needler is unbelievably powerful: the needles stay at the same speed, while you are moving toward them, all the needles clump together for an epic sploshion of death. but that's just my preference...
You ain't cool unless your rockin' the SMG. Though the Grav. Hammer is second, because from a distace, it looks like a flag, and you can be a pretty convincing distraction in one flag.
I like getting on the back of the mongoose with a BR. Its satisfying out BRn a guy, on the back of that thing
I like shotgunning people while being chauffeured, because it's rewarding to steal your driver's attempts to splatter people, or kill someone boarding your Warthog's driver. The flag is a pretty good thing to have while in a passenger seat, too.
I'm usually driving the warthog. I never ride passenger in hornets (no one picks me up .) Mongooses i usually ride up close to a base with a shotgun and sneak up on them.
Same here hat except if my friend wants to do mongoose splatters than I go on the passenger with brute shot
Definitely the Shotgun. Nothing beats a drive-by shooting! Seriously, I did this on Big Team Sandtrap once. Hopped in a Warthog seat with a Shotgun, and instructed the driver to drive directly past a red guy. Shotgunned him in the back of the head, and he went facedown in the sand. Wish I kept the film clip...