Just like the favorite forgers post except, don't mention people who are well known for forging. Mention people who are all around helpful and nice and funny and stuff. If you say jelly then you can haz infinity munnies.
Yeah, Norlinsky and Nemihara are both great people. Helping out at any convenience. As for me, I don't forge, and not that many people like me. But, this thread isn't about me, so other than that, there are lesser 'helpers', although they are the first who come to mind.
Well, I've always thought Shock Theta, Bl00D F1R3 were cool, as well as TDF, End of the Line, Silencebrokn, and Blaze Is God were awesome non-forgers in this community lol no seriously though, Grif is cool, never seen a map from him, and although FBU hasnt been around recently, he's awesomesauce too
All of the people you listed in the first paragraph are very avid forgers, especially Shock Theta, and TrueDarkFusion.
*agreed* Haha yea, i think he read the question wrong. You even listed some premiums... Premium = 2 Featured maps/ Or helped on 2 featured maps.
How did I read it wrong? I was replying to sdrakulich's misunderstanding. Or did I misunderstand what you said just now?
lol durr...durr...i did it on purpose...durr...durr haha ull get it when you get it someday... I forgot to mention whats-his-faic (ire of fire/interrobang man!!!)
Well..... Mine are Insane54 (I know he creates maps but not too frequently), Murdock Sampson, Inferior Pigeon, and Norlinsky. I know most of those people are in the Tester's Guild except Norlinsky but the are all awesome people
O shiznits sorry. I kind of made this as more the alternative to the other thread instead of an all around post.