I love The Pit. Whether it be KoTH, 2 Flag or TS. It takes a good set-up to basically dominate there. But my favorite would have to be 2 flag on it.
Oddball on Guardian hands down. Nothing beats a good game of Oddball, the unfortunate thing is that Guardian is the only map diverse enough to host a game of Oddball. Blackout would've been a nice change of scenery but apparently MLG decided that Bungie failed at remaking the map nicely.
My gametype is Pit Flag hands down. Love the strats on it, love the angles, and some of the rediculous things that happen with all of the power weapons/powerups. Guardian is next, just because there are so many focal points you can play from on that map. You just need a good team with good communication.
On Circuit: Onslaught- Nothing can mimic the arena style fast paced games on Onslaught. The only map on the circuit (outside of Amp, which most likely isn't going to make it to v6) that is all about team shot and BR. Even though the spawn trapping on it can be frustrating, it is so rewarding to get a set up that allows you to spawn trap. And if you are ever on the receiving end, you don't get too mad because you know you can be doing the same thing if you break their setup. Not only is it one of my best gametypes, it is probably the most exciting gametype to watch on VoD (Triggers Down-Str8 Orlando). Should be on circuit: Triumph- Not only is Rob's map a feast for the eyes (he merged a bridge into the back hallway!!!!) and original, it plays extremely well. It draws similarities to Pit in gameplay and layout, but it plays King much better and doesn't have the standoffs that everyone hates at the end of Pit games.
The Pit, that's right... daaaaa Pit. lol There's dislike for guardian on team slayer - has too many narrow walkways/hallways and unnecessary open areas, the theme of guardian is beautiful though. Don't get me started on those danged foundry maps. /sarcasmic lol ons & amp ftw
I actually like AMP when youre going in with a team. If you have randoms, it blows because I ALWAYS get the Col. Gr2s or the Staff Captains that think they beast in MLG. Id have to say Pit though, my team never really losses unless its laggy or some other bullshit
It doesn't matter if you have a team of pros much less bad kids. You just can not set up on the map, and when you throw in the horrid spawns, it just becomes random 1 on 1 BR battles off spawn. No disrespect to the forging Fritz or map, it is excellent but just isn't fit for 4's (although I do enjoy CTF beta). I am not a big fan of Pit because I think it is a little too big that the end of TS games drag on and on. What Pit does wrong with map size and Hill, Triumph does perfectly (especially the hill spawns on Step Up's version).
None taken, MLG Game Testers confirm different. There's no setup only scope for heavy Slayers to shine with massive-focused battle awareness.
I enjoy the fast paced game of TS Amp. Unfortunately I never play with a team, so I always get stuck with horrible people and/or quitters.
Which is why it is an excellent FFA map. Although Onslaught has some bad spawns as well, the map can actually be setup to spawn trap and get an effective team shot while you can't do this when the spawns on Amp are all over the place. I always spawn by myself in either base, which sets up for potential one on one BR battles. I guess you could say slayers shine (like Neighbor's 20 kills there), but it just doesn't feel like a team game. The map has some amazing forging especially for its time, and at that time, it was getting rave reviews as people wanted it to replace Onslaught. Once it was announced for v5, the complaints came pouring in. Maybe, I am like the rest of the MLG community that can never be content, and/or maybe, it has something to do with me always going negative on it as I run around the map like a chicken with its head cut off. Anyway, I am not one for sucking ass, and although the map is solid, I just don't think it is circuit good. Edit: Do you and Zak have another project?
Onslaught by far is my favorite MLG map. I love it for several reasons. One, its all about the BR and team shooting. Two, its the most exciting to watch and play because its so fast paced (most H3 maps are too slow). Three, its the ultimate test of teamwork and chemistry. For example, if your team is losing 3-0,4-0, ect., and manage to win that shows major teamwork. Your team didn't fall under pressure and were able to escape the opposite team's spawn trap to come back and win. That's why I love Onslaught. Its so different from the other MLG maps and reminds me of H2 maps (midship, warlock), which were so much more fast paced than the maps in H3.
I'm gonna have to say Onslaught because it is simple and fun. Amp is sometimes confusing and not fun.
Guardian would have to my fav, but Construct is a close second. The Foundry maps don't interest me though, they just seem too bland.
Guardian is my #1 favorite for every gametype, and Narrows is my second favorite because I can snipe very well there.