Just post your favorite instrument here. My favorite would have to be the piano. It can create so much emotion. Happy, cheerful, angry, and sad (Most definitely) Sometimes I like the guitar, since it gives off "awesomeness."
Theramin. That thing can do anything, and takes quite a bit of skill to play. It amazingly can sound like a human voice, which is very difficult to reproduce in an instrument.
I like the guitar the best, I really dont have a good reason for it, but I really think that its the instrument were people can reallly show their skills in the most. Not saying that the others are easy, just saying that I think the electric guitar is the hardest to play
Piano and guitar. Besides the fact that I play both, I think classical piano is just amazing to listen to. It contains so much information that I find it bewildering. I like guitar because I just like how it sounds, plus I hear it more often. I think classical piano is one of the hardest things to learn how to play though.
Actually, piano is one of the easiest instruments to learn to play. It is mainly just memorizing the note pattern and then practicing whatever you want to play. There aren't too many advanced techniques.
Well, it has alot to do with natural skill and determination. I, for instance, am for some reason naturally talented at playing instruments. However, I almost never play them and don't feel compelled to do so. So while I can play them, I am no master musician.
That's cool, you should put more time into it if you are really that naturally talented. I hate it when people shrug of their talents.
No how can you like classical? And to go along with this thread, I play the guitar yet I like drums better. Enough said.
It's ok, but I seldom find pieces that can keep me interested long enough to learn, memorize, and perfect the entire piece. And I'd rather not play a song at all if I couldn't do those three things, because otherwise it seems pointless and like I wasted time.
Makes sense. Because I just love sitting down and absorbing the music. It is just amazing to listen to classical. Plus it's soothing.
I play bass guitar, double bass, violin/viola, just starting guitar, various percussion instruments such as mallets and some drum set, alto/tenor/soprano/bari saxophone, bass/soprano clarinet, just starting trombone, and the occasional piano. May be hard to believe, but I'm not BS'ing. I just like a lot of instruments. I think I'd have to say my favorites are any sax and bass guitar.