Favorite Geometry

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    areas that you can generally find something to keep you occupied. Such as the area on The Pit, between the spiker spawn and the camo spawn where you can usually find someone to shoot at, while having enough cover, to be able to have a decent fight without being shot at from every direction possible.
  2. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    As much as people are going to think I'm crazy, I really enjoy the dam area on Valhalla. using the radio tower and mongoose, You can effectively snipe there and see nearly the entire map while effectively covering myself. However, people can still run up and kill you from multiple directions. I guess you could say its long range cover but short range vulnerability.
  3. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    not to go with the crowd but i gotta say Guardian's snipe tower. Not to sound cocky but i am amazing at holding the lockdown there in 1v1's. I also can do s1 to s2 nearly every time on it so i can juke people out easily and break their lockdown on snipe tower.
  4. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    I like Last Resort's Camp Froman, and Ledge that leads to Factory/Base. It is perfect for sniping because of hight and great view of the entire middle area. Very Easy to defend too.
  5. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
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    I like places that you have a pretty good line of site, has sneaky ways to get around and easy access to weapons/equipment, like....

    Active camo area


    I love camo spawn on guardian. If you are not playing Br starts this may be the best place to hold. The only BR in the map is placed in top gold, which is no hassle to get to from here. Plasma nade are within reach as well, just located on the edge of camo.

    Refering to my 1v1's

    There are many tricks in this area of the map as well. I often trick people as I do the G1 to G2 wall jump, cause you know if you take the lift it is a death trap.



    Use the glass to your advantage, every once in a while you'll catch someone totally off guard. And..... BACK SMACK!


    Now from this spot. You can almost guess where they are going to spawn.
    blue or under blue if you are on the camo side of gold. You can use your plasma and nade them as they walk in the door way/ core hall.


    Almost always results in an easy kill. and the second place is, down in green. If you have a sniper, this is an easy one. If not, then you may have to be quite good with nades.


    The only other place in S2, but thats not very often.


  6. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    blaze that was very deep, i love on the pit taking over the sword room, if you control that and you know what your doing you could cause alot of damage, and then my favorite places well even tho its not revelant i like playing on 8 emrold legs so i could kill peole to busy cumming over the spider or on a map with something thats like omg is that a... a.... a... BOOM HEADSHOT hehehehehehe. I also like getting the sniper on sandtrap and getting on the cliff, a great tactial advantage or get a laser guy up there and he could deal with all vehicles almost.
  7. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    I love the Long Hall on The Pit. Cool stuff always seems to happen there, like ricochet snipes, or Traffic Cone splatters. The actual area isn't something that's really useful to hold down, but funny stuff always seems to occur when I'm there.
  8. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    On last resort, the wheel. I know the wheel isn't able to be remade, but it's not specifically the wheel itself. It's to the right of the bridge between the bridge and the wheel. It's an easy jump. You can jump across it with a crouch jump and campers just don't notice you until it's too late. Used it on my friend, he said, "WTF? Hacker!" Jumps make more of a map than people believe.
  9. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    To bad I'm at my Dad's house, for I would love to accompany pictures with my post. But I must go solo for this.

    One location I love to be stationed at is Over shield spawn-Guardian. Seeing you have two power items, its barely inevitable to win. Line of sight is extensive, and efficient. Not only that, but there are many possible escape routes, along with multiple places for cover. It overlooks a huge portion of the map, and from each angle is the team spawn points. The opposing team(s), or enemy, must be tactical to diminish the high defenses that comes along whilst control of that area. It is definitely a popular spot on the map, so camping is a must.Though, in geometry terms I like it for its variations. It is a three-in-one. It illuminates on all tiers oft he map, high, middle, and low. You have all control over the routes toward the area, and cover is limited from afar.

    My second geometry fetish, is the 'Gate Base'-Last Resort. A crucial part to this fetish is most from Halo 2, for it is the only suitable remake, in my opinion. But that base has so many features to like, it is almost to many. One is the multi-tiered level entrances. Entrances to the base are all throughout its sides, and its angles, but also on it levels. You can find player on all three, if you're careful enough. That is what makes it such a reliable objective map. The multiple entrances spew variation upon variation of gameplay. Not once was I ever tired in the location, nor un-prepared. The geometry inside, is simple enough to be complex. Using tactics you can easily turn the base into a graveyard for the oppsoing team. One great addition is the risk vs, reward upon recieving the Spartan Laser. Seeing the map suppiosrt numerous vehicles, the Spartan Laser is a key element, and definitly a choosing factor to who is in the lead. Not only that, but the base supports stealth. Many times have I found myself in the position where I snook by the opposers, and completed my objective. Though, another crucial feature that base, is the gate. The gate is what illuminates vehicles inside. With the gate closed, the enemy team has no chance of making a speady delivery, or a quick get-a-way. While the gates computer is closely watched, for that is almost the starting point people like to head to allow their comrades safe acces, well not always safe. Furthermore, the defending postion has many possiible steal locatsions also. Camoflauge is not a long venture, nor is the sniper rifle. All which spawn the equal amount of distance from the opponents. Which makes the exposition of the game extremely quick, and brutal. People rush to power-spots quickly to gain control of that are. Then they seem to slowly diminish their venture, and quielty come back to base.

    I can't quite think of any other pet-peeves, but I'll be sure to add on if one pops into my head.
  10. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Okay, I know its not out yet but I love the idea of two way glass on Orbital. Does that count?

    Anyway, if not I like the upper rooms on the pit. You can't easily get in there, so its nice to be rewarded with superior cover and height for your work climbing up.
  11. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    A. WTF are you following me? RightSideTheory you always seem to post after me.
    B. I guess the glass counts, but they have glass like that on avalanche and cold storage.
    C. With practice it's not hard to get to the hive.

    I guess another piece of geometry I like is Boundlesses bases. I don't know why, but the way they play when shield doors are removed is really smooth.
  12. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Sniper spawn on rats nest. Pretty much the highest point on the map and the sniper spawns there. THere is a bit of cover and theoretically, you could hold down the entire other team from crossing to your side if you were a good sniper.

    although I love that entire map.
  13. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
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    Sword Room on The Pit - An underrated 'power' position, a good sniper can do some damage. From sword room, one can hold down the sniper side of the map, especially with a sniper, has good cover along with multiple CQB weapons if somebody tries to kill you up close, and still has decent lines of sights to the rest of the map.

    Camp Froman - Great lines of sight, sniper and BR spawn, great cover in the form of the drop inside the building.

    Sniper Towers on both Blackout and Guardian and the Spartan Laser Tower on High Ground for very similar reasons.

    I like these positions because I can sit back and snipe or support without charging in. I always can get into good cover in a hurry, and with a team, the location can be an integral part of a setup.
  14. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    I like the pipe on high ground simply because nobody ever goes there, and it is good to go in for shield recharge. Also, if you go toward the camo end, it can be a good sniping spot, or place to camp with mauler waiting for person coming from camo.
  15. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I'd say I like the pit's wall that divides one side of the map from the other. With paths going through the wall and the underground hallway to get to the other base.

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