Theres been threads like this, but I am using this one to serve a purpose for my own research. Below, I'd like each of you to give my your favorite location on a map, and why. If you have a picture, that helps too. Please make sure you give good reasons other than "it looks awesome". EX: The sniper spawn on Guardian is useful because it can give you a straight line of sight on either floor, while still being balanced because of the ease of ambushes from behind. or something to that extent. Spam will be deleted. Im asking a serious question.
I like the middle area of boundless because that is where most of the fighting takes place and that it is balanced.
Sniper towers on Pit Stop, because while they provide excellent cover, players at training or sword can simply bounce grenades off the wall to hit him behind the corner. The epic sniper vs sniper battles that it provides with its long line of sight tower to tower are always amazing too.
The blue room on Guardian due to the fact that from here you can get to the major points in the map. Shotgun tunnel, Yellow room, center, mancanon to sniper perch. Sorry, didn't know you didn't want user created.
Top Middle on Narrows. From there you can view both Stages, both Flag Spawn/Return Points, Both Mancannons, and all four Pockets. However it's because of all these views that it's not full of total control. The reason being that there are many places people could come from and take over Top Middle, and no Power Weapons Spawn there giving other players the opportunity to grab a power weapon and have a chance to turn the game around.
I like areas that you can see the whole map, but if suddenly attacked, you can escape. Eg. Rocket spawn ledge on Foundry, if you are sudden;y attacked you can drop down to cover. This can be the same with Sniper tower on the Pit, Snipe 3 and 2 on Guardian, Black ledge on Narrows, etc.
The crashed pelican on Valhalla. It provides excellent cover if you know how to use it, it has close(ish) access to shotgun and laser, and it gives a good view of the whole beach side of Valhalla and a good amount of the waterfall side. It's also a perfect place for sniping.
I like the Overshield Spawn on Guardian, because it provides for an excellent area to snipe, and when ambushed you can easily jump down below to the Sniper Rifle Spawn. Also because more recently I got a Running Riot just camping here. No Perfection though... sad face. This is also where I learned how great the Magnum is at long range when you don't have a Battle Rifle.
Guardian blue room/ Lift/ s3: Various possibilities of movement, making s2/3 Mode fair. Good Cover towards s3, not towards top mid/ lift: not towards s3. Probanly tue most significant place of guardian.
I like the deployable (of sorts) bridge on zanzibar. The team needs to activate it for accses to a power weapon
Lockouts- br3, s3 and lift and Pits- long hall they are places where you can see a lot and also snier/ BR pr long range weapon areas... there is a positive off height and sight but a negative of being hit from behind in all these areas... also well place grenades can win a COMPLETELY unmatched fight in these areas. I didn't put guardian not only b/c everyone else already did but also because it lacks the places where u need to watch your back and has a bit to much rushing and camping also by blackout i more mean lockout from halo 2
I like the center area between the two purple lift rooms where it slopes down on both sides because it's not just a stupid camping or unbalanced cheap-fest, but still a very competitive and contested area. I also like wall catwalks such as on Last Resort because a long, spanning vantage point can make or break in team games. Third, I like drop-downs such as to underground on Isolation and to shotty on guardian/blackout because you can go down but not up, and it makes for a good ambush point.
I like the whole sniper base (s 1 2 and 3) on Gaurdian. I think it is a tactical location that you can try to attack or defend. There are multiple entrances, so it is hard to hold. The same goes with that area on Construct that is in between the two purples and in between the sword and sniper spawn. Another example is Fro Man on Last Resort. It is almost the same idea on Isolation at shotgun spawn. You can have a good advantage there, but it his very hard to defend because it is open. As you can see I like the idea of controlling an area. Another thing I like is areas that are traversed frequently. Examples include Rocket Spawn on Pit, Shotgun Spawn on Avalanche, Gold Lift on Construct and the middle building on Ghost Town. These areas are fun because they make it easy to traverse the map, but it is dangerous. You can also try to hold these areas, but ity even more dangerous.
i like the middle of rats nest it has so many options go the quickest route you get shot at by vehicles, you go over the bridge and you get a pretty quick route and its a little safer, or you can go through the turret area. it's the slowest route but is also the safest with only one shooting direction and the turret. plus theirs a route where vehicles can get up close to infantry(rather than a warthog shooting you from a mile away). i like how it basically combines indoor with outdoor.
In FFA's, I like top gold on Guardian, because then you can watch one of the two most common spawns, Blue and Jungle/Camo lift.
For me its between the Ice Caves on Avalanche and Standoff's bases. Ice Caves- This area really opens up combat, allowing for people out of vehicles to be able to have a quick access to each bases. However vehicles can still get through it making some for some pretty cool splatters. And then there is its whole theme of darkness and of course the man canon. Standoff Base- This is probably the best base in the whole game of all maps. It large and has several means to enter into the center room. It provides much cover in and on top of it. Lets not forget the door, that can be used very tactically for objective games. Finally there is just so many possibilities for it in forge.
C-C-C-O-O-O-M-M-M-B-B-O-O BREAKER-R-R I like the cannon, ravine with the stream running through it on valhalla. It is a great combination of asymmetric elevation and angles that has dished out a few epic BR vs. sniper battles in its days. Whoa, first person I have met that ever liked the lift room on guardian. aka. Shotgun camping. your unique.
Then you should have specified that in the OP. I don't know if I have a favourite but I love the winding corridors of Cold Storage leading to the main open room. They have such a great feel to them, extremely tall, cramped, a sense of urgency. The teles mix it up too.
MLG maybe? Mauler is the best camping weapon, and even then, nobody camps. The Gold 1 > Gold 2 jump is nice to avoid campers as well. I really like the High Ground base front. The bridge with the turret on it would be great to recreate in a map.