PALLET FTW!! well, and dumpsters/grav lifts/fusion coils. All those are very nice for switches Though doors are sweet, you need to see my AMAZING sinking job on a double box open. I sank it at an angle into the ground and it slants perfectly and is perfectly straight.
Hmm I would have to say the weapon holder. A) it is purple B) most maps have one and the creator uses it improperly C) It can hold stuff with magical arms
Lol weapon holders are certainly great but I personally prefer to use two-way nodes, they are good for holding things in place and for moving around the map!
the small,wooden crate on Blackout. 1) it's a box 2) it's wooden 3) it's better that a pallet because it's 3 dimensional. nuff said =P
tru tht lol... altho my forgin fav has to be: Original Maps: Pallet Heroic Maps: Dumpster (then pallet lol) Legendary Maps: Forge filter... love placing the nova while with some1, then dropping it, losing it and getting them pissed off and we get into a half hour search for it until we give up and end game... lol
For me, its gotta be the shield door. U can use it to make games play differently U can bounce soccer balls, vehicles and who knows what else off them to make some really cool effects!
My favorite item in forge is the pallet. It can be used in many different ways, like a breakable door.