Favorite Campaign Mission

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rogue Shadow IV, Dec 2, 2010.

  1. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
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    Hay everyone I was just wonder what your favorite level is in each halo game. I am doing this for a certain reason involving creating levels and stuff so if you would be kind enough please write which mission was your favorite from each game and why you liked it. Now I would have made a poll for this but there are too many levels if you would like me to write them all out just let me know. I will provide you an example of what I am looking for. Below I have listed the links to each game and please don't be jerks and say "Why don't you use the search bar!" If you have nothing nice to say then don't bother posting because this is a serious thread. Also I am not including Halo Wars and I have added ODST because other people like it so if you want to you can state your favorite level for it.
    Halo: Combat Evolved

    Halo 2

    Halo 3

    Halo 3:ODST

    Halo Reach

    Halo CE - Assault on the Control Room
    This has to be my all time favorite level in the halo series. Its such a great level. You get to drive a bunch, its a snowy environment with lots of hills and mountains, you get close quarters combat inside of the structures, the awesome bridges and the amount of vehicles you fight.

    Halo 2 - Metropolis
    This was a great level because it was based inside of a city and you got to drive a lot casing down the scarab and then taking it down.

    Halo 3 - The Covenant
    I loved this level because of the whole mission. I like how the environment kept changing from a grass landscape to a snowy mountain. I also really liked that you got to drive around a lot and fly around destroying vehicles.

    Halo 3: ODST - Kikowani Station
    Alright so ODST wasn't my favorite but I did like Kikowani Station for a couple of reasons. One, I like that the banshees were similar to Halo CE cause that was a great banshee. Two, I liked that there were other banshees to fight and a scarab to kill.

    Halo Reach - The Package
    This is my favorite level because of the constantly changing areas and objects. For example, I liked going from driving a tank on a cliff side to a building to an icy area.
    #1 Rogue Shadow IV, Dec 2, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2010
  2. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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    Halo CE: Never played

    Halo 2: Same as above

    Halo 3: Covenant.
    Hornet dogfight was epic
    Dual scarab was epic
    could've wrapped up halo
    I could save the Laser and give it to a marine at the scarab fght on my hornet and be freaking epic
    Best graphics EVAH
    Anything else?

    ODST: btw this game ROCKED. Almost at par with halo 3
    My favourite mission is the free roam mombassa streets. Its halo RPG!!!!!!!!!!! I loved getting audio logs

    Reach: Nightfall
    Lets snipe some noobs!
  3. plasmaeagle

    plasmaeagle Forerunner

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    Halo CE: the silent cartographer. I liked this one because you had alot of driving and the forerunner tunnels to go into. I also think the beginning when you land with all the marines was epic.

    Halo 2: metropolis. I enjoyed being on earth cause it was new at the time, street combat, and taking down the scarab.

    Halo 3: Covenant very large playing area with vehicles including tanks, loved driving warthogs, hornets were fun and plus Miranda died. I really did not like her for some reason

    Reach:Exodus the feeling that you were all alone in the beginning was fun and also liked the close quarters combat.
  4. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ODST: Data Hive

    Reach: either Exodus, or the level in the falcon going rooftop to rooftop knocking out generator thingies.

    I just loved the urban feel, in both ODST and these levels. In fact, I liked the campaign from ODST better than H3's just because of the sense of isolation in the burning city at night.

    H3: The Ark, scorpion = pwnage

    H2: The beginning

    H1: The last level
    #4 Aschur, Dec 2, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2010
  5. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
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    Halo CE: The Silent Cartographer - I had such awesome times trying to get my marines in places they wouldn't naturally be. I've always been a ***** for AI troops. Then Reach came out and I had INVINCIBLE Spartan allies... :3~

    Halo 2: Delta Halo - Lots of AI units, lots of areas to explore.

    Halo 3: Cortana - Been a LONG time since I touched H3 but I think this is the one where pretty much the entire level had Flood features. I loved the look.

    Halo 3 ODST: I haven't played this. :(

    Halo Reach: ONI: Sword Base - Just epic fun. :3
    #5 Kittenpaste Company, Dec 2, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2010
  6. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Halo CE: The Truth and Reconcilation- Not much to say about it.

    Halo 2: Metropolis- It was just awesome. The Scarab, the first time i saw the Gauss Hog...

    Halo 3: The Covenant- Pwnage. Lots of Vehicular action and also some ground action.

    Halo 3: ODST: NMPD HQ- Especcially the last part with like 20 Missile Pods.

    Halo: Reach: The Package- Lots of variation.
  7. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Halo 3: covenant for that anti air wraiths trick

    ODST: Coastsl Highway because it was like giant race track

    Reach: Package for the banshees at the end.
  8. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Halo: CE - The Library
    Halo 2 - The Great Journey
    Halo 3 - Halo
    Halo 3: ODST - Uplift Reserve
    Halo: Reach - The Pillar of Autumn
    #8 jameslieb1, Dec 3, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2010
  9. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    Halo: CE - The Silent Cartographer
    I really enjoyed the vehicle combat through this level, and the variation of different combat scenarios (assault on the beach, vehicles, close quarter tunnels, etc.).
    Halo 2 - Metropolis
    One of the only 2 Halo 2 levels I have played. I enjoyed the whole thing - it was a lot of fun.
    Halo 3 - The Covenant
    The whole thing was like a huge war going on, with dogfights and ground action, a tank section and it was reminiscent of The Silent Cartographer. A great experience.
    Halo 3: ODST - Kikowani Station
    A good mix of aerial and ground combat. The banshee was fun in this game.
    Halo: Reach - Long Night Of Solace
    I love this level. The assault on the beach was awesome, the space fight was great, and fighting in the Corvette was fun with the low gravity and eerie sounds.

    Honorable Mentions:
    Halo: CE - Assault on the Control Room
    Two Betrayals
    The Maw
    Halo 2 - Outskirts
    Halo 3 - Sierra 117
    Tsavo Highway
    The Storm
    The Ark
    Halo 3: ODST - NMPD HQ
    Uplift Reserve
    Mombasa Streets
    Halo: Reach - Nightfall
    Tip of the Spear
    New Alexandria
    The Package
    The Pillar of Autumn
  10. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    Halo CE: Never played
    Halo 2: Never played
    Halo 3: Ah, I would have to say...a tie between The Ark and Halo (last mission). The Ark was really varied, from the tank rampage, to the scarab fight, to the ark interior etc. Halo is awesome because of the intense warthog section at the end, it was loads of fun.
    Halo ODST: Coastal Highway. Engineers are really cool, and it was great to see one up close. The scarabs cameo appearance near the end was also pretty awesome.
    Hallo Reach: Lone Wolf. Hands down my favorite mission out of the entire franchise, scavenging for weapons and see how long you can stand against an entire covenant force is beyond words, and made me feel for the first time like a true spartan warrior.
  11. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    CE-3 I'd have to think about. its been a while.

    as for reach, I'd have to go with Pillar of Autumn. All the tie ins to CE ara great, firing the huge gun at the end, the cut scenes with the ship taking off.... great.

    Plus its followed up with Lone Wolf which is always fun
  12. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    CE: assault on the control room was a lot of fun!
    Halo 2: Regret. I loved going between islands sniping and using heavy weapons. The battle against honor guard elites was a ton of fun as well.
    Halo 3: The Covenant. There was a beautiful mix of ground, vehicle, and air combat. But I always hated the double scarab portion and the lack of check points between scarabs...
    ODST: NMPD HQ. Lots of sniping that made sense in a fun urban environment. The ending with the heavy weapons combined with the amazing guitar solo is easily one of my favorite halo moments.
    Reach: Exodus. The jet pack portion was amazingly fun and should have been the entire level. I loved moving with the ODSTs through the city. I also loved New Alexandria for the visuals and music as well as the open-ended gameplay.

    I must say, I was disappointed Reach lacked a dedicated Scorpion Rampage level... Still, wonderful game!
  13. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys this is great info. For some of your responses though some of you only say the level you like and not the reason why. If you could can you state why you enjoyed that level or liked it so much. Otherwise, your all giving me great stuff and hope that more people post there maps and likes.
  14. Reign

    Reign Forerunner

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    halo ce: This game sucks, I had no favorate campaign mission.
    hAlo 2: Oracle, the level had many parts, the part where you had to kill the big shieled sentinels and get on the boat was fun.

    Halo 3: floodgate, i don't really know why I liked it, maybe because there were Spec Ops Elites...and you can find Rtas dead... :(

    reach: Long night of solace, only becasue of the corvette.
  15. PWNAGEStudioz

    PWNAGEStudioz Forerunner

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    Halo CE: Halo (2nd mission and fun search and defend objectives)
    Halo 2: Metropolis (Scrab Gun!!1!)
    Halo 3: The Ark (Pretty balanced with combat)
    Halo 3:ODST: Played, but didn't have the game
    Halo Reach: Long Night of Solace (Space dogfight with mid range to long range distances)
  16. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Halo CE - The Flood
    Favorite level of the series. Scared the **** out of me the first time I played it.

    Halo 2 - Metropolis
    I really liked how you actually got to fight in a city. It made the war seem oh-so-much more real.

    Halo 3 - Halo
    Greatest conclusion to a series I've ever played. I loved how they replicated the feel of driving out of the PoA in H:CE.

    Halo 3: ODST - Mombasa Streets
    I spent hours upon hours just playing in this sandbox. I had such a great time doing it, too.

    Halo Reach - New Alexandria
    Yet another sandbox level. The falcon is also my favorite vehicle in the entire series... Also, Buck made an appearance and seing as Nathan Fillion = Buck, Buck = Boss.
  17. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Halo - The Maw : one of the most memorable endings ever.
    Halo 2 - Gravemind : I loved fighting behind enemy lines.
    Halo 3 - The Covenant : TWO Scarabs FTW
    Halo ODST - NMPDHQ : The rooftop finale was iconic.
    Halo Reach - Tip of the Spear : Call me cliche but that whole mission is damn fun.

    *Ahem* Most dislike missions:
    Halo - The Library : The most repetitive mission in any halo ever.
    Halo 2 - The Heretic : I've always hated the atmosphere of that level.
    Halo 3 - Tsavo Highway : Was far too long and boring with very little happening; also didn't introduce the portal the way I felt they should have.
    Halo ODST - Coastal Highway : Legendary bouts through this level with incompetent fools has made me hate the level so much.
    Halo Reach - Exodus : This mission is so unbearably frustrating on legendary.
  18. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Halo C.E- Assault on the control room. The sheer variety of that level is great, and its one of the few I didnt get bored at some point during the level.

    Halo 2- Metropolis. The levels atmosphere and aesthetics were great. And the scarab gun...

    Halo 3- The Covenant. One of my favourite. There was a lot of variety in this level, from driving to flying and beyond. Also, this level sparked my interest in breaking and getting out of maps, and the sheer level of glitches and secret spots were fantastic.

    Halo ODST- NMPD HQ. This level contains two things that put it on this part of the list. The first is the music. Skyline is still my favourite song of any Halo game. The second is the sniping. Plus the end of the level when the Brute Chieftain jumped down was incredible.

    Halo Reach- Long Night Of Solace. My favourite Reach map because of the variety. Not only did you get to use multiple different AA's and weapons, but there were so many new experiences here that I couldnt pick another level. From flying the corvet in space taking on new vehicles to fighting in low gravity. It was great.
  19. Security

    Security Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Halo CE: The Maw because of the epic ending.

    Halo 2: The Oracle, mainly because I loved breaking down the cables and sending the station into free fall.

    Halo 3: The Covenant because I love taking out scarabs and there were two on that level.

    ODST: I don't remember the levels, I flew through that game and never played it again.

    Reach: Long Night of Solace because of the space battle and the epic ending cutscene.
  20. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Halo C.E.: Assault on the Control Room. The varied environments (with a huge battlefield), great scenery, good point in the storyline.

    Halo 2: Metropolis. Not only do I love urban environments for warfare, the level makes you feel like such a badass when you spend the first half traversing the city and watch the scarab walk over everything and cause destruction; you then spend the end single handedly destroying it.

    Halo 3: The Storm. it had the best moment for fighting the scarab and was a great intro to "the fight".

    Halo 3:ODST: ONI Alpha Site: Beginning moment is epic and the escape from the building was fun.

    Halo:Reach: Exodus: At around Rally Point Alpha, I really start to enjoy the campaign because the rooftop warfare was excellent.

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