lol i read that book 6 times, no joke... lol i loved it soo much. I also read the book "Monster road" 8 times...
The Zombie Survival guide and World War Z both books are by Max Brooks. Very good author! He makes the situations seem so real!
The Outsiders, Catcher in the Rye, Eragon, Harry Potter 7, and any of the Chronicles of Narnia. No order.
The "Odd" series by Dean Koontz The style is very quirky, and a lot of fun to read, while being somewhat frightening.
Fight Club. Hands down. (It's one of the only books I read that I wasn't forced to and actually finished) --After Fight Club would be Survivor.
Any Dan Brown, Tom Clancy, Clive Cussler, J.R.R. Tolkein, J.K. Rowling, Orson Scott Card, Harry Turtledove, or Christopher Paulini book. I love me some fiction.