Favela v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by I SeNTiNeL I, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    Favela v2
    "With the Covenant on Earth the Humans must fight to hold even the worst of ground"




    Favela is a Portuguese word meaning shantytown or slum. The original inspiration for the map was the Halo 2 map Turf. However as i brainstormed and built the map i made considerable changes and what would have been an attempted adaptation of an old map turned into something totally different. This is Favela v2 the updated version of my original map posted about a month and a half ago. The reason for a v2 was that although i was very happy with the original map it made a number of issues that i felt needed to be addressed.

    For those who read the original post i will try to save you some time by listing the changes that have been made since Favela v1:

    • Roof of Wire Spool Warehouse rebuilt entirely of Fence Walls for smoothness and easier grenading. Also fits more with the asethetics of the map.
    • The Shield Doors placed to cover the lower entrances to each base have both been removed.
    • The Rocket Launcher just outside of Attacker Base has been removed.
    • Two doors have been added to the roof of Crate Warehouse to provide minimal cover and make it a more viable place to go and lay fire on both bases.
    • The Truck on Street has been turned 180 degrees to allow players coming to Street from the back of Crate Warehouse to take cover more effectively. Soft objects have been added infront of the Truck to add to the map asethetics and make the map feel a bit more natural.
    • An additional Window Panel has been added to the courtyard area infront of Attacker Base to make it feel like less of an open space and provide an additional obstacle to lines of sight.
    • The Spawning system on the map has been redone completely. Which should result in much fairer spawning and none of the spawning behind other players that unfortunately occurred on the last version. On a side note i am always looking to improve the spawns on the map so if anyone finds any areas being too preferable to spawning or players spawning behind other players please let me know via PM or on this thread. The spawns were solid in testing but there is always a chance.

    This map was designed with team work in mind, you can play it in a FFA game but it will not deliver the best possible experience. Favela has been setup for the following gametypes:
    • Team Slayer Due to the nature of the map a Battle Rifle start is a much better option than using Assault Rifles. This is not however an MLG map so you can keep your motion trackers on
    • Capture the Flag It will work for One Flag as well as Multi Flag
    • Team SWAT A gametype that works very well on this map
    • King of the Hill Agressive play is a must to win
    The map supports FFA Slayer and King of the Hill as well. The map does not support Oddball because i felt that the layout of the map would make for bad oddball games which were not very fun at all.

    The map in a bit more detail...


    This is the inside of one of the bases, dubbed Defender base due to the team spawns. The base consists of a upper and lower level. It has a covered barricade looking out over the map to provide a firebase for those inside the structure. On the left of the picture is an open box which is where the defender flag spawn/return point is located. There is an entrance to the base on the lower level.


    Welcome to the attacker base. Originally this was going to be a duplicate of the defender base but the limit of the number of boxes i was able to place meant i could not do the copy i had intended. The base still has a higher and lower level as well as an entrance on the lower level. The main difference is that the covered barricade has been extended so it provides a wider line of sight but at the same time it makes the base more open to incoming fire.


    This is the Crate warehouse, it is the big single storey building located infront of the defender base. The Crate warehouse offers intense close quarter fighting as well as a safe refuge from two bases. Due to the fact that the crates are moveable the inside of this structure has the potential to dynamically change during a game. This creates an obstacle for players to overcome or use to their advantage. On the roof of the warehouse are two doors that have been placed to provide cover from both Defender and Attacker base making Crate warehouse a key location for a any team looking to lock down and gain control of the map.


    The second warehouse located inbetween the two bases is the Wire Spool warehouse. I decided to change the theme for the inside of this warehouse as i felt it would be a big improvment to the map asethically and makes it feel much more real. This second warehouse serves essentially the same purpose as the Crate warehouse and shares the potentially dynamic cover. Due to its position; effectively in the blind side of both bases Wire Spool warehouse is a great location for flanking and quick strikes against unsuspecting foes. Those wishing to use it as an elevated fire position to control the center of the map must beware. The roof of the warehouse is nothing more than a reinforced wire mesh. Players wishing to make the most of this location must be both aware of what is beneath them as much as what is infront of them.


    Welcome to the Street. This is the part of the level that in my opinion most reminds me of the original inspiration Turf. The building to the left of the Truck is simply dubbed BR building. Rather than have a BR leaning against a wall or on the floor i decided to incorporate it into the structure of the map itself; making the building somewhat multifunctional. The BR can be picked up through the window addind a little bit of interest to the rather standard weapon pickup. The truck in the picture has been placed to give extra cover to players approaching Street from the bottom of the picture. It also serves a second purpose of being a platfrom from which you can jump to the roofs of the buildings surrounding it. Be careful though because any quick witted players may decide to blow the truck up from underneath your feet, potentially fatal but will definately put you at a massive disadvantage.


    Last but not least is the Sniper building, the closest building to the Attacker base barricade. Behind the Sniper Rifle are two Fusion Coils making this a dangerous but worthwhile weapon pickup. The Courtyard area infront of the Sniper building leads right up to the Attacking base and is a key area to have under control if you wish to assault the Attacker base. The window panels provide minimal cover in an attempt to block line of sight between you and your enemy as you prepare to scale the walls or storm the door.

    The weapon list

    • 6x Battle Rifle To ensure low ammo is never as issue
    • 2x Assault Rifle For some variety
    • 2x Mauler Single clip and long respawns
    • 1x Rocket Launcher Two shots, 180 second respawn.
    • 1x Sniper Rifle Provides excellent ranged support is your able to safely remove it from its spawn. With the number of Battle Rifles on the map this weapon cannot dominate entire teams.
    • 1x Plasma Pistol A good support weapon when used in conjuction with a Battle Rifle. Dispite its massive nerf compared to Halo 2 if used well with team support this weapon can change the tide of fights.
    • 1x SMG/ Plasma Rifle combo Capable of laying waste to enemy caught close to you provides some variety to the weapon layout and should not be underestimated.
    • 3x Plasma Grenades One in each warehouse, one in sniper building
    • 1x Bubble Shield Located ontop of Wire Spool warehouse provides much needed cover on top of the levels lower structures
    • 1x Regenerator Located ontop of the Crate warehouse, this regenerator is position to help soak damage and attract attention away from other team members. Concentrated fire will take down anyone who decided to hide inside the healing aura.
    Thing to know before you play
    • Through the map you will find dumpsters. These have all been placed to allow quick access to the roofs of buildings.
    • The dumpsters placed underneath the barricade of each base allow players to crouch jump into the base through the barricade. Allowing players to scale the walls so to speak.
    • The barricades can also be crouched jumped into from the roof of the closest building to them. From Crate warehouse into Defender base and from Sniper building into Attack base. It took a lot of effort to distance these jumps correctly so that the bases were more attackable use them well.
    • If you see a player making a break for the Sniper Rifle but are unable to stop them a well placed grenade into the gap in the wall will drop the Grenade ontop of the Fusion Coils and will be quite a surprise to the Player who thought he was safe from enemy fire. Be on the look out for flying bodies and Sniper Rifles!

    Again i would like to thank
    Pegasi Delta for his help with the original map and his ongoing input in the changes i have been making. Also as a tester he has helped me work out the finer details of the Halo spawning system and i just about think i have it now!

    Big thanks also go out to
    B100D F1RE, Swinston and I No Quarter I for their help in testing the spawnings.

    I hope you all enjoy the Favela v2 and those who did see or play the original i hope you like the changes i have made and appreciate the new spawning system. The old one was rather annoying i know so my apologies to those who were fustrated by it. Enjoy the map and let me know what you think. Constructive criticism always welcome.

    I SeNTiNeL I

    BASED GOD likes this.
  2. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    Looks like a great map and the interlocking is amaxing cant wait to play 5/5. Keep forgin!
  3. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    WAAAAAY better than v1. Looks like a great map for big parties. Keep up the great work, I like the map. dl'ed!

    This is not spam. Just because I read the post in 2 minutes does not make whatever I say spam. Why so uptight =(
  4. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    it looks really good, cant wait to play it
  5. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    looks really good. The warehouses looks great and the weapon verity looks good. Hang on tight and i will give you a full review on your map.
  6. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    It looks the same to me what did you change?
  7. Ghost AE

    Ghost AE Ancient
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    Looks really good. I think you could have added more to the bunker though. Maybe some aesthetic touches? Other than that it's really nice map.
  8. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    First things first, fantastic descriptions for each screenshot, the notes really help commenting on the map. I remember this map. I'm glad you have made it a whole lot better too. It looks like my advice paid off. Then again I SeNTiNeL I, I'm sure you know what is wrong with a map when you see it now.

    Removing the sheild doors has made the map much more flowing and adding cover makes it a little harder to die instantly running across the map. I really like the shanty rooms too. The map has a mix of close-quaters battle rooms and long-range battle fields. Thats why Team Slayer looks like it works so well.

    Well, not much else to say from me, you have perfected the map in most places and it looks great. Well done, 5/5 and a download from me.

    EDIT: I think it will look great with some aesthetic touches too
  9. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yes! You posted V2, So I assume you got the spawn problems worked out? That's great!

    This map has a really soild layout when I first played it and I personally didn't notice and problems in the first version be sides thoes spawns.

    Anyways this is a great map, I'm going to use my review from the first post because there is no sense in making a brand new review, I'll just change what needed to be changed on the review.

    Also im glad to see that A SouthPark Kid crazyzebu rewib65
    and TheDarkKnight05 have extreme reading abilitys. As they read the enitre thread and posted a reply that fast, they obviously didn't read the thread and posted a comment for the post comment.

    By :
    I SeNTiNeL I

    Weapon Placement 9/10 :

    You did a fabulous job on it. You got it perfectly balanced. The time it took to get to the sniper was equal to what the time it took to get to the rocket for the other side making it fair. The maulers in the base were not a problem at all. I am glad you got rid of the shield doors, the bases are now un-camaplbe. It makes the map alot better, now your getting a 9/10.

    Design 9/10 :

    I was very impressed with the over-all design of the. You had the Twin bases witch was original because the rest of the map was non-symmetrical. I also liked the streets you put in, with the bunkers to add a urban feel to it. I immediately fell in-love with the design because of the multiple buildings. I really like urban maps and you did a GREAT one here. I'll give you a 9/10 here

    Balance 10/10 :

    Like I stated earlier, You had a great weapon placement witch made the map very balanced. You could also get to each base in the same amount of time, witch made players meet up right in the center of the map to make some great game play. Your map was very balanced, there for you get a 10/10

    Aesthetics 9.5/10 :

    Your map was packed with them. The overall map was great, with the buildings. Yours is one of the best building maps I've seen in awhile here on forgehub. The insides of the building are jaw-dropping. Each object goes with each base. I was very impressed and it drew my attention in instantly. Your map had great aesthetics, you get a 9.5/10

    Enjoyment 10/10 :

    I had a lot of fun on this map. I really enjoyed playing on it with you and Pegrasi and Alby. I could have kept playing it I just dis-liked the kids that came into the room. The map was great fun, and It's getting a 10/10 here.

    Construction 8.7/10 :

    You built the map VERY clean and neat. All the walls were perfectly aligned and straight. The bases were identical. Everything that was interlocked was perfect. One thing how-ever. In the buildings in the playing field, I suggest interlocking their walls. In one there was a small gap that could have been filled. Its not a big problem but it adds to the look.
    So I'm giving you a 8.7/10 here.

    Overall 9.5/10 (Average of the above):

    You made a great map here. The design was great, The weapon placement was well done, the Aesthetics were great, It was enjoyable and lots of fun. It was an over-all GREAT map. It was alot of fun to play on so your over all score was a 9.2/10

    You did a GREAT job on the map and keep it up.
    Hazza likes this.
  10. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    It lloks better than V1, I remember writing a comment about it when this was your first map post, It seems better than V1, More interlocking in some areas but is there merging? 4.2/5 I'll come back with a review later. =]

    EDIT: The map is very impressive, I played 3 v 3 on it and it was quite fun!! I love the 2 bases with boxes going across the top, Its a 5/5 from me my friend!!
    #10 STEClash96, Sep 6, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2008
  11. whitehalo3

    whitehalo3 Ancient
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    Good job on the map. It has interlocking and it also isclean and grenade friendly. I love the idea of the fusion coils and sniper. You may want to add a power drain in the map in my opinion because that could make the map alot better because it has close quarter rooms which a few people would hide in and throwing a power drain can make people run away and also a power drain serves as a defence if someone is assaulting the base. Just throw one at the main entrance for a little more time. Overall: 8/10
  12. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    I really like how real it looks by using everyday objects ( movable objects). The interlocking on the outside is great but those bridges on the inside are begging to be turned over. I foresee this map getting plenty of DLs considering it looks like it's worth anyone's while to check it out. 4.5/5
  13. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
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    Wow, love the city layout and design, only think i can think of that this would need is a tad more cover in the streets like barrels and maybe a crate or two?
    Aside from that it looks fantastic 4.5/5
  14. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    this map looks sexylicous
    its not an eyeopener, but the gameplay really seems to shine
    the weapon placemnt and respawn times really add to this map and seem thought out
    mabey flip those bridges and add some more astetic touches
  15. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    OMG. Everything is great. Exept the bridge. Flip it over to make it more smoother and look better 5/5 and a DL <3
  16. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    Ok in responding to the comments made so far this quote probably covers the common thing that has been said. Need more aesthetic touches and flip the bridges. On the note of the Bridges sorry but i personally like them the way they are so i am going to be somewhat stubborn here. I do not see any advantage to flipping them, they are flat by their very nature because they are straight. I think it will make the bases look more bland.

    In terms of asethetic touches, we have a problem there. The map is not Budget Glitched and i have no spare money. So i am unable to add anything in without taking away. Also in response to the calls for crates and barrels i really do not think they would benefit the map as all they would do is clutter the areas around the buildings, making them difficult to walk around and potentially blocking passages forcing jumping. This would be really bad. From a competitive standpoint clutter is to be avoided at all circumstances.

    I know the map may seem very open but this is only up high and the open nature of the roofs is to prevent them becoming too overpowered. If you play some games on the map you will soon realise what i mean. Crate Warehouse had cover added to its roof because the testers felt that it was the most important roof and was too open. The rest seemed fine as they were.

    In response to DA HITMAN117 there is geo-merging on the map; obvious one is the geo-merge into the crane. There are also merges to seal the bases and make the exterior wall grenade proof.

    WhiteHalo3, i considered a power drain but personally i think the Bubble Shield and Regenerator work better. I wanted the map to focus around team work and to best achieve this i decided to use defensive equipment. I feel the power drain from take away from my team focus a bit.

    MisterHat, if you read the thread you would not have to ask that question..... I am not gonig to post another list of changes here but just say read my post. Its all in there.

    Thanks for the comments and replies guys. Keep them coming i always love reading long detailed posts about my maps. If you feel there needs to be more cover or something like that it would be really helpful if you could be quite specific about where and why exactly you think the cover is needed.

    I SeNTiNeL I
  17. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Very, Very clean and neat. It does an excellent job of reminding me of Turf. I do, however, have a complaint, namely the layout. Probably good for gameplay, but it REALLY looks grid-based. In that respect, I'm slightly turned off, but the map does warrant attention.
  18. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    aside from the wall which i think could have been turned around so the flat sie was showing, its a great map and seems liek it would be good for 1 sided maps in my opinion and its very clean as well
    i shall get back to you after playtesting with more friends. dont let me forgot now you hear
  19. SwiNst0N

    SwiNst0N Ancient
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    Favela is a fantastic map, not only is it aesthetically pleasing but it's smooth and plays well. Through both testing and reviewing I can state that careful consideration has been dealt to 'the play' of each gametype... this is hard boiled fact. The quality of the forging is also visible, though it is not necessarily the most complicated, and it need not be. Flaunting 'forgability' is one way of showing that you are indeed a fine 'forgeman' but considering how the map will play is an art of its own. The fine attention to detail; the crouch jump into each base, the roll of each frag and the equality of an asymmetric arena shows a mature approach to hopefully one of many fine blood filled show grounds.

    I haven't been a part of this community for long... pretty much five minutes but don't discount my words. As a player and not so much a forger, I think it is much easier to appreciate a ‘built map’ from the view of the guys dishing out the bloodshed. Like many I have played Halo since the release of the original and know a good map when I play one. Favela strikes home for competitive play but whatever you do don't disregard the fun that can also be spent here.

    9/10 (and I’m hard to please)

    So what are you waiting for? Download this marvel and play it until you blister! And SeNTiNeL, bring on your next rendition of hell ;)
    #19 SwiNst0N, Sep 9, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2008
  20. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map looks pretty cool. I like the way you themed the two warehouses with the crates and wirespools. One of my favorite ideas is the slanted overhangs on the bases. I use that too because not only does it look cool and "hut-like", it is great for an anti-grenade effect. The map looks big too, It can be hard to make a full size map that still looks and plays well. I will definatly chack it out and you get a 4.5/5 from me. Awesome map.

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