I don't know where to start. I really have nowhere to start. I'm going to say this as best as I can, but please don't take it as an insult. Start over.
Uselessly? Dude, that's the best CnC you're going to get for this signature. I gave you criticism and complements in those very two words. I told you not to take it as an insult, but yet you did.
I didnt take insult. Your statment does not help at all. I'm asking for that in this thread. Pointless post, is therfore pointless. How is telling me to start over a complement anyways.....
No, it's not pointless. I never said start completely over, I said start over. This means you take that same render and background, and reposition them. Your signature has no focal point, a horrible placement, and no depth. I suggest you learn from tutorials more, because no post here can help you unless it is a tutorial.
I had something posted something useful the whole time. You can't fix it the way it is. You must start over. Period.
The lines are shitty and pixelly or just plain overly blurry, the render looks slapped on and not blended at all, the text is crap and boring; the white font is random, I don't like the size, and no border.