So i was thinking(note:if you love fat kid or hate it, please allow me explain what this is,before a flame war starts) ahem,so i was thinking... How could we could make fat kid actually fun to play,not only for humans but also for spawn-killed zombies.Imagine this,making fast zombies only 10 percent faster than humans but almost as strong,would that work? Also making less tight and long corridors,where humans camp the **** out of zombies with a turret,more like smaller places with weapons which aren´t that strong. Making the fat kid a little faster would work too,dont you think? aswell,having to wait for doors to open to get to the next level,if the zombies get there before,well you will die,unless you know what teamwork means. this idea came to me when i joined a custom game,we were playing fat kid,and dont get me wrong,i wasn´t infected,but there was a point where it got boring to spam-kills in countless numbers of zombies. that´s one of the reasons i hate fatkid,so why cant we make it fun for humans and zombies,with a map that could actually make this challenging.thats mi idea and if you dont respect it,well please dont spam my thread.and if you find any reasons to proof me wrong,then please, show me. yet again,i will say this one more time,dont hate.
Maybe make it so that the regular zombies won't die from just a headshot; or keep some of their traits but give them weak shields.