Fast Break

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Tempus 360, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    If nobody made it to the rocket launcher, then I got hit with some pretty darn explosive BR rounds. lol. I didn't see the hammer out at all, though.
  2. Tempus 360

    Tempus 360 Ancient
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    That'd be great. I'd like to check it out.

    We haven't been able to play this map for quite a while now just because our friends are moving on from Halo 3 (or their 360s are in for repairs); so if you guys (or anyone else) wants to play with us sometime, just PM me.
  3. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    hey tempus how did you make that really cool picture with the layout of map really cool map and superb post for just joining! 20/10
  4. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Squidhands' Furiously Tentacular Review


    Enjoyment: Make no mistake about it, I had a lot of fun on Fast Break. I enjoyed being on the Defense more than Offense, especially when I found the Tripmine. But I did enjoy blowing up the unfortunate souls that tried to get sneaky and run into the side rooms with the fusion coils lining it. Overall, this was much more fun than I initially thought it would be.

    Durability: You know, it speaks to the quality of a map when you don’t even try to escape it. I never thought about escaping because I was having too much fun blowing people up. I believe it’s possible once you get into the interior red/blue bases, but why would you do that? All the fun’s out here!

    Aesthetics: Meh, there’s only so much you can do with Rat’s Nest, but at least you chose the prettiest view for the main game space.

    Originality: As far as I know, this is a fairly original idea to hurl yourself off a cliff to see if you can make it to a teleporter to arm a bomb. I’m not well-schooled in the casual game roster, but as far as I’m concerned it earns high marks for an original idea.

    Balance: We ended in a tie, so things seemed pretty balanced. There’s enough heavy weapons on both sides to help even things out, but it’s pretty tough for the Offense to score. If it were too easy, however, it wouldn’t have been nearly as much fun.

    Overall: [​IMG] High praise from me. In this case, I wouldn’t have cared whether we won or not, and it’s nice to be able to play a game of Halo with a group of friends where you have so much fun that the outcome doesn’t matter. Nice job!!

    I found the rockets and used the hell out of them, and if you would have quit sniping me for one second you would have witnessed the exploding projectiles of glory! But now I have to play it again so I can use the Hammer...
  5. Lametastic

    Lametastic Ancient
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    With the recent release of the first “Minigame Map Pack†and the renewed excitement in more casual oriented maps, I think that Fast Break is in desperate need of a bump.

    As fun and unique as the idea behind this map is, I can’t help but think that it deserves more downloads. I played it last week and it’s still as enjoyable and chaotic as ever.

    Also, to give people an idea of how close games on Fast Break can be, check out a short clip of a friend of mine making it through the teleporters to the goal…and still not receiving a point. Download here.

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the post is nice and the map looks really fun u took something that ever1 hates nd made into a great map
  7. Gravitas

    Gravitas Ancient
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    It’s been nearly two and a half years since Tempus posted Fast Break, and I finally got around to updating it with your suggestions (see, I listen to feedback). Most of the adjustments I’ve made are relatively minor, but in my opinion improve the overall balance of the game significantly.

    Changes include:
    • Blocked off the unused sections of Rat’s Nest, making it impossible to escape the designated area.
    • The “scoring” cross-hair teleporters have been moved slightly to the left, allowing for a more natural entry into them, as the player dismounts the mongoose in this direction.
    • Various aesthetic changes (several accomplished by using the ghost merging technique).
    • Weapon positions and timers have been tweaked with the primary intent of making it easier to score on offense.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    With these map-specific changes also come slightly altered gametypes (with noticeably shorter round times):
    • Fast Break : 1 bomb Attackers begin at the mongooses and battle their way to the ramp to make the jump. Defenders start outside and attempt to stop this from happening.
    • Fast Break: Neutral Team King Every team for itself. Everyone starts outside, and the first team to reach the cross hair in the sky wins the round. If your in the mood for FFA (which can be a blast), simply disable teams.
    Fast Break is a great mini game to play in between more competitive custom matches. My friends and I still have a blast on it, so I thought it would be worth updating.

    If you’ve never played Fast Break, see the epic first post for more detailed information. And if you still feel out of the loop, watch this short clip of two intense rounds of 1 bomb to give you a better idea of how the game is played and to show off some of the new changes.


    If a moderator wants to combine this with the first post, that would be great. If not, I’ll try and contact Tempus and see if he can edit his original post, if that’s still possible.

    #47 Gravitas, Aug 10, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2010

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