Fast Break

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Tempus 360, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. Tempus 360

    Tempus 360 Ancient
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    For which team?
  2. alcapone900

    alcapone900 Ancient
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    the mongoose team
  3. Tempus 360

    Tempus 360 Ancient
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    Of all the games I've played so far, we've had maybe one or two in which no one has scored. We've actually had more where everyone has scored than where no one has.

    Granted, making the jump takes a little getting used to, and you'll have to use some strategy to fend off the defenders, but overall it has seemed very balanced for us. Even my wife has managed to score, more than once, against some well-decorated teams (no offense, dear). All you need is a clear path and about 5 seconds.
  4. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Tempus360, you probably have no idea who I am, but let me just say that your post brought tears of joy to my sore eyes. Very, very well done.

    This post was enough for me to take the time to reply.

    Plus, the map is silly-fun. Hah, hammering mongooses off the cliff...Oh, wow.
  5. StrikerSniper77

    StrikerSniper77 Ancient
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    I take it you used Photoshop or something to get your pics so nicely refined, right? Fantastic blueprint!!! I love blueprints...

    ... and I love this map. You :squirrel_rocking:!!!
  6. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    My guess is that he did striker, I used Photoshop CS 2. And thanks Tempus, I got inspired by you when I posted my newest map.
  7. Tempus 360

    Tempus 360 Ancient
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    Thanks, and yes, I used CS3. Don't remember if I used Photoshop or Fireworks... In any case, if you're looking for a free application that has similar features, check out GIMP. I haven't used it myself for quite some time now, but it should do enough for your ForgeHub needs.
  8. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    Completely baller... 'nuff said
  9. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    Dude.. this post is awesome. I love the logo. I love the descriptive pics, and I love the how neat the layout drawing is. What programs did you use for all of that? Im really blown away by how neat it is and I want my next post to be as attractive as yours.

    BTW.. the map looks fun too! If you put as much time into it as you did the thread it should be aight.
  10. abixenator

    abixenator Ancient
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    Heh... Halo stunt driving =)

    I like the idea.
  11. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    this map, and post looks awesome. DLing right away and will be sure to play, FR to both of you on the way if I am not too lazy :squirrel_giggle:

    edit: What is supposed to keep the defending team from sitting on the teleporter, making it so the mongeese people can't get in?
  12. Tempus 360

    Tempus 360 Ancient
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    The easy answer would be "The attacking team." Have someone on your team keep the defenders from driving up there.

    We have been brainstorming to find a reasonable solution to this. But like we've discussed, the people we have played with have not exploited that option.

    The best idea I've had so far is to have multiple receiver nodes. The person blocking would have to guess which one the attacker would randomly come through.
  13. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    yeah that's what I was going to suggest, but I didn't know if you had it already solved some other way
  14. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
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    Nice first post and even nicer map. Good idea.
  15. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Rick's Recap

    Overall Enjoyment Durability Aesthetics Originality Balance

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    8/10 9/10 8/10 6/10 8/10 7/10

    Map Review Haiku:

    The post is pretty,
    But don't let that fool you, man.
    It's still real manly.


    Enjoyment: This map succeeds at keeping me entertained. I thought it would suck with 5 v 5, but I was wrong. It's a great little mini-game that everyone should play. Nothing makes me feel better than punching people out of vehicles, and I got to do plenty of that on this map.

    Durability: No bad spawns, no spawn camping, I didn't see anybody get where they shouldn't be. But durability alone does not a good map make... Luckily the other categories are well satisfied as well.

    Aesthetics: Meh... nothing real special here. I loved the defenders spawn behind the razor-wire, though. However, on a simple map like this, there's a lot you can do to give the players little extras. I didn't really check, but it looks like you have plenty of items left to use up. I could see 'fast break' spelled out in the sky... or a much smoother ramp with more interlocking...

    Originality: I haven't seen anything else like it... though it has a similar flow to a lot of minigames. Good use of the halo weapons to balance out the map, though.

    Balance: I think the round times should be shorter... a lot shorter... maybe you could counter the shortness with a more easily accessible teleport system... I dunno, but it seemed a bit too easy to score... that may be because of our party size, though.

    Rick's Suggestions:

    -Re-balance for shorter rounds.
    -Make more pretty things.
  16. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    This is exactly the relief I've been needing from those Foundry Competatives we've been in for so long. Great job creating an origional game. It's presented very well but I admit I was skeptical about how it would play. Well, it plays just fine. Even though it seems to be made for small groups, it handeled the large party size we cramed into it marvelously (5v5). I disagree with Rick about scoring. I don't think it was too easy. It came fast in some rounds, but watching the replay, I saw the defenders throwing everything except the kitchen sink at the attackers, including those nifty boobie traps you set up. Not to mention having to dodge all the wrecked 'Gooses that kept piling up. Maybe the rounds could be shorter to increase the sense of urgency, and the scoring mechanism is ambiguous with the punishment teleporters in front of them. Both teams scored every round, but my opinion is that it's more fun to score than to hold back points, so I don't mind getting a tie in a game like this.

    I think the weapon balance is great. The defenders have so many options, and all of them are interesting. The boobie traps are awesome and they actually really can mess up the attackers, but they are pretty hidden way up where they are. I totally forgot about them during the game. Also, I stand by what I said earlier about sealing off the unused parts of Rat's Nest. It's really no big deal, no one was ever tempted to get lost, but this just seems like a way to make it... more perfect.

    Alright, that's about it. I know from experience that these type of games are hard to pull off. There's a reason I so rarely see one that's decent. I can tell that there has been lots of consideration put into Fast Break. Let's just go ahead and call this one "success".

    Enjoyability: 9/10
    Durability: 7/10
    Aesthetics: 6/10
    Origionality: 10/10
    Balance: 9/10

    Pred's Overall Score: 9/10
  17. Tempus 360

    Tempus 360 Ancient
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    Thanks for the reviews, guys. It's fantastic getting the extensive feedback!

    Just out of curiosity (since most people enjoy attacking rather than defending), are the defenders finding and using the Gravity Hammer, Trip Mine, Power Drain, Flare, etc.?

    Maybe it's just me, but I haven't found many things more satisfying than smacking a mongoose with a Gravity Hammer...
  18. bsnbs

    bsnbs Ancient
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    I have to echo Tempus 360's view on the Gravity Hammer...there is truly nothing better than smacking down a ramping mongoose on Fast Break!! Having been on the receiving end of the Gravity Hammer vs Mongoose several times, I can tell you that it is very frustrating getting halfway up the ramp and then being smacked over the edge.

    Great map Tempus 360 and lametastic!

    Here is a screen of the gravity hammer and it's wrath.

  19. Tempus 360

    Tempus 360 Ancient
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    That's awesome. Does anyone else have nice screenshots?
  20. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I don't think anyone made it to the hammer, or the rockets even. What a shame. I tend to forget about the things I know are there during a game. Anyway, Tempus, if you want the video from our review session game I'll put it in my file share.

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