Anyone who grew up on a healthy diet of 80's movies would fall in love the moment they see this game, and I'm one of them. Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon on IGN. I watched the gameplay trailer in that article on IGN today and, before I'd seen it, I wasn't really that interested in the game at all. After watching it however, I'm 100% going to purchase this game when it comes out on May 1st. The thing that did it for me? One of the heal animations is the main character, Rex Power, using a grip trainer. The moment I saw that I was sold. Not to mention the soundtrack being pure awesome, and the fact that Michael Biehn voices Rex Power. Sure, the initial thrill of nostalgia may wear off after a little while, but apparently the game gets a whole lot better. It may also seem a little like Far Cry 3 reskinned, but I enjoyed the core mechanics of FC3, so, by process of logic, I'll enjoy this, too. Anyone else looking to get their mitts on this puppy? Please, discuss below.
I was in the same boat, I never really got onboard with it until I watched that trailer. Oh my god that trailer. Being born post-80s, I'm at a nostalgic disadvantage, but I'm super hyped for this nonetheless. Any excuse to get back into Far Cry 3 is a good excuse in my book.
This pretty much sums it up. @Pinohkio, I was born mid-eighties, but still watched my fair share of movies from and of that era. Most notably the Back to the Future and Beverly Hills Cop franchises, which I own and still watch to this day. Other worthy inclusions are the Aliens franchise, Predator 1 and 2, Die Hard, Robocop, Karate Kid, Terminator, and this list goes on. I'd be here for a very long time if I listed all the movies I grew up on.
I don't even know what this is based off of but it looks pretty hilarious. I might buy if it's open world like FC3, but if it's linear then I may not...
I'm guessing it will be an open-world approach, much like the original. Even if it was an open-world game in small sectioned environments, or levels, I'd buy it. Hell, I'd probably still buy it if it were linear.
this looks really cool. you know, i'm really sick of spendin mad bills on my girlfriend. bout to just get a new box with some more HDD space and play me some blood dragon. mmm. blood dragon.
Looks pretty solid except for the 8-bit theme (I'm too young :/). I just don't see why they put in Far Cry 3 instead of just Far Cry.
It's the engine used for Far Cry 3. It has nothing to do with any of the other Far Cry games story wise.
They still could've named it Far Cry instead of having the 3 in there. I see what you're getting at though, it just might throw people off thinking that this is a spin-off of FC3.
That's a fair point, Zig, but like Pac said, it's because of the engine. I think Ubi decided that people would put two and two together, once they started playing the game, that it has nothing to do with FC3's story line. I originally thought it would be some kind of spin-off from the main story, but it doesn't really bother me that they've decided to go in this direction.
You know what direction I really like that they took? The one where I can purchase a standalone title from XBLA. Boss sauce.
From what little game play I've seen so far I haven't seen a whole of video game industry satire, a little bit (pretty much that whole tutorial part), yeah. Most of it looks like it's an 80's action movie satire.