Theres birds in one of the videos in the editor. They could just be an automatic addition when trees are nearby. I'll look into it tommorow.
I'm hoping you could create your own blocks or pieces and seamlessly interlock them to easily create your own structures. I'm thinking this is more unlikely giving the high detail outdoor jungle nature of the game. Thats good about the downloading though.
The items interlock with eachother if you push em in with eachother and you press x and then down to geomerge.You have containers which are double boxes in halo.
lol yea I was really looking foward to making a maps with my friends though to bad you can only make maps byurself.
OMG, this is going to be so amazing. The map editor alone will sell millions! You seriously don't know how excited I am!
I looked up on the collection system.You go to collection cystem click on empty and theres a list of all the trees/ bushes.You select the ones you want and save it as a collection.THen when you click on it it will spawn all those items.
That sounds very interesting indeed? Are these collections permenantly saved? Or just saved while you stay in the editor? New details found: - There are no gun crosshairs whatso ever, for accuracy you use your ironsights / scope - There is no weapon customization, but there is a huge variety of weapons. - Weapons change conditions, and wear down as they are used, textures on the gun change too. - There is almost no HUD throughout the whole game. - There is a currency, probably aquired from side missions - There are weapon shops. Weapons bought here last longer.
This. The truly amazing maps will be the ones where the creator has made a believable environment that is also functional as a battle ground. So the game must flow well from all angles as well as have ample amounts of control points.
IDEAS Remake some Star Wars Battlefront levels.(Dagobah, Mos eisley, etc) Stealthy, scattered starts, regrouping will be difficult. Dense urban setting, light attack vehicles roam the streets and ambushers lay in buildings.(Boom!) RACES!!!!!!!!!!! A massive termite hive style thing. Small, multilevel village.
They sound very interesting. I'm currently designing my first map out on Sketchup. I'll post it here when it looks a bit nicer, its just a rough draft, so i can try ideas out and see what they look like, its pretty generic atm.