The map editor is pretty awesome for that game, but the multi-player is so incredibly awful I don't really see the point. It's still an alright game with the single player.
I've been waiting for this game for a long time! I absolutely love the farcry series. I just hope they don't have a million minor bugs like the previous games did... *cough* Skip the title cut scene! *cough*
Yea Ubisoft love to advertise their own games. I remember some Prince of Persia ad's in Rainbow Six 3 Black Arrow.
If people actually played this game unlike Far Cry 1, it would blow all other games out of the water. Easy. I don't have FC myself, but a friend has it and we still play it. The map making is just unbelievable.
This + BF: Bad Company = Massive Pwnge I triedd the demo for this, and was dissapointed, because no map editor
Farcry Instincts predator was really fun with the big jumps and the epic clawing. sadly its not in this though. But with the map editor i think forgehub is going to have a sister site with farcry 2 maps
yeah so ... i'm wet with anticipation now ... i got Instincts: Predator and simply can't get away from the map editor. Its mega.
I have two problems with it. 1. The things that you can actually make are limited. You can instant spawn a building, but you cannot actually make the building. Unlike in halo 3, where you can build anything out of walls, this does not have that. There are premade structures. A question I always ask myself when looking at a new map editor is "would I be able to remake_____" and put any map name in. If the answer is no, then I'm not impressed. 2. The second problem I have is with the game itself. FC1 was kind of like quake, as you seemed to run 20 miles an hour, and when you actually saw an enemy, you just ran back and forth until you or they died. You didn't actually take cover or use the map as much as other games, like in gears, or halo, or call of duty. Then the game lacked what sometimes makes or breaks first person shooters, the looks. I remember people walking from side to side, and their feet would still be going forward. If i was two yards away from someone, you couldn't even see their face as it just kind of blurred out. The aiming reticule wasn't very attractive either. You couldn't ever really aim for the head. To top it off, the player models left a lot to be desired. They did not have very good ragdoll animations and everyone looked the same. Unlike in halo where you could customize your character, gears, where you could choose your character, or call of duty 4, where your weapon chose the way you looked. It was a lot less personal. Granted farcry 2 may fix those problems. I'll wait and see.
October. 1st or 22nd. Can't remember. I'm sure they said 22nd at E3, but i think it got pushed forewards.
Oh, i rather get fable 2 then farcry2 but im pretty sure i will get both of them.Because fable 2 comes out october.