I love the first picture. I'm hoping that those can be recreated in the map editor also, that way you can make a map yours, by making it however you want.
2d picture is where it's at. I'm totally making a night level in the map editor. Lets hope for snow textures and weather.
it would be really good if you could add animals in it so then for the second picture there could be a wolf somewhere in the game so you have to look out for him as well lol also doesn't the single player mode let you choose how you want to go throught the level cause if so that really is cool
I reckons they'll be possible in the editor ... for sure. As for night levels ... they're awesome for stealth games. In FC I, playing at night on editor-made maps was pretty cool, games lasted for ages though cause it was really hard to see other players.
These pics are causing all sorts of inspiration. I've already got a dozen ideas for wicked-awesome maps now.
Imagine what possibilities Far Cry 2 will bring to Machinima directors provided it has some kind of detachable camera. The sets would be amazing, and hopefully we'll find a way to synchronize voices.
OMG! When does it come out? Fable 2 and FarCry 2 are going to be my main priorities. I remember when i first played Farcry instincts: evolution on my original xbox, those were the good times. I have to say, Playing farcry was alot more fun playing halo 2. If H3 forge was like FC's map editor, i think H3'd forge would have been alot better. i.e, 90 degree snap option. In FCI:E, it was a lot easy interlocking and floating items. Anybody who played FCI:E should know what i mean...
October 21, Same here fable 2 and farcry 2.Yea i do i have farcry: instincts predator for xbox 360 and i love playing it.I play it more than h3.
It comes out the same day as Fable 2! Wow, i don't think i'll have enough money to buy both of them. But if i had to choose, i'll choose Fable 2.
I would chose fable 2 to,the best game in the world.Im gunna by both of them but i dont know which on im gonna play first.probably fable 2.
OMG!!! I just found my FarCry Instincts: Evolution! Woooo, i wonder if theres people still playing it. I guess there won't be any because its the xbox original and not the 360 version. Man! I actually found it though...
Aww, nobody is online, and all my maps are damaged. I remember one of my friends telling me that everyone maps where damaged, but i don't know how they could get damaged? I didn't even play the game in like 10 months!