.......uhh.........umm did this person even watch the vids or is just bashing the game because he cant admit FC2 has a WAY better map editor then halo3......like what isnt in FC2 seriously it has everything just watch the videos and youll see
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vehxkXV22dU Some look into weapon jamming and wounded enemies. Also it shows the Spas 12 in action, and boy its mighty.
can you give me some more information on hte map sharing ability, i want to know if you can download them from online and if you can take pictures of the map, etc.
Can you take multiple pictures with it and bring them online? So there going to have a website and have map publish option and you can download them online just like bungie?
Oh mai gawd. The Spas 12 looks like it would be one of my most used weapons. Really Matty, why must you keep giving all of this juicy goodness. Also, sniping looks too easy and extremely deadly. At least it's realistic.
Good God! That sniper rifle looks absolutely brutal! Way better than the first trailer with a sniper!
Hey i just made a new map on farcry instincts predator anyone wanna play with me?Its kinda an idea i hade for farcry 2 but i got bored and made something like my idea on fcip.
Yea it does, i want to see someone as creative as map builder.Just look at his bunny! Click here to see amazing bunny made in fcip
Far Cry Instincts is an xbox game Far Cry Instincts predator is an xbox 360 game, its Instincts + a new game. 2x the single player length