Yeah, the campaign wouldn't feel right without the beloved rookie dying in some manner. Although this time I think he should go out in a blaze of glory towards the end of the campaign, seeing as Anthony just got sniped early on, and Ben made it farther and got mobbed inside the giant earthworm. Spoiler Oh and anyone else notice that the brother's names are A.B.C.?
Oh boy, another Carmine brother dying. Who didn't see this coming. Epic sure knows how to write good games, yes sir.
"carmine has been downed but is still allive. A locust leader walks over to Carmine. He is secretly holding a grenade and at the last moment he sticks himself, blowing up him and th leader." That would be the ****...
I don't really like them totally exposing the "Carmine" plot like this. I think we all knew there would be another brother, but they're just throwing him in there now as if it needed. They should have just come up with an epic story with Carmine in GoW3 and not let the community decide, because wouldn't it ruin the fun if we know what's going to happen? I don't know maybe it's just me, but it feels like they're taking the fun out of it.
Clay Carmine ought not to be a culmination of the previous brothers Anthony and Benjamin, but rather be someone unique compared to the last two. Epic does have one thing going for them and that is flexibility with Clay. If they had made the second Carmine brother an out of the normal Carmine saga then it just wouldn't feel right. But now that they've introduced the basically same character twice it'd be great if the Clay was truly unique in some way other than his armor. The one promising aspect of Clay is that when Benjamin wrote that letter to Clay he mentioned how Clay still hadn't gone into the service yet. Soooo this means he could possibly be a kinda "lone wolf" so to speak, and just basically be forced to join the COG for some reason. Perhaps maybe he was living on the island when the COG moved there or perhaps he just enlisted in like the other two brothers but to me that would be a rather disappointing story. I do have high hopes for Clay though, mainly because Epic has set him up to be the one out of the norm brother.
No what I think, is they could make something epic out of it. Like, the entire time carmine is saying stuff like "I know I am going to die in this war. My first brother, dead on his third day. My second brother, dead on his fourth day. So if I'm going to die, I'd like to go out with a bang; for them". And then on the fifth day of his recruiting he saves everyone by somehow being a hero and everyone thinks for a moment he's dead or something, but then he emerges alive. Idk, I just think that they could really make something epic out of it, rather than just letting him fall into some hole.
Guess what? Kill 'em. I like watching others die, from a good safe distance. You need it too, dont lie ;D This is a stupid idea though. They better at least make him do something epic before getting killed, cus we all know thats how its gonna turn out.
I say Save Him, Just Check out how beast he is. This isn't no *****. Hell Hes stick his entire hand into a locust's throat, killing him in one hit. Plus he his supposedly black. Finally another black guy. Now I don't have to play as Cole Train anymore. I think Cole is better than anyone in the list of characters.
Even in your pictures he is white. His brothers, Anthony and Benjamin, were both white. He will be white.
I'm going to vote to save him just because the "Save Carmine" t-shirt is soooo awesome. Carmine is legend, and if those photos are actually him then i'm pumped for this. although i'll be a little disappointed if the majority votes to save him..
he should sacrifice himself or do what zander said and get blown up or something at the very end of the game like in epic movie.
holy **** how sweet does that Cog armour look in the new unreal engine? carmine looks bad ass, i say let him save marcus from dying and sacrifice himself instead if he has to die.